This site collect usefull scripts, links and TPM2 related stuff. Most relatet to the LetsTrust-TPM module for the Raspberry Pi
With Raspbian Stretch Kernel 4.14.85 you'll get the TPM 2.0 support build in!
Six easy steps to activate your TPM on the Rapsberry Pi:
- Step one:
- Open a (whatever) term on your Pi.
- Step two:
- run a "sudo rpi-update"
- Step three:
- open the /boot/config.txt with "sudo nano /boot/config.txt"
- activate SPI with
- "dtparam=spi=on"
- and load the TPM device tree overlay with
- "dtoverlay=tpm-slb9670"
- Step four:
- plug your LetsTrust-TPM on the right position and reboot your Raspberry Pi
- Step fife:
- Open a (whatever) term on your Pi and type "ls /dev/tpm0" and /dev/tpmrm0 will appear in yellow letters!
- Step six:
- Be happy about your success!
- Installs the dependencies for the tpm2-tss, tpm2-abrmd and tpm2-tools [1].
- Provide a complete clear of your TPM (line 46 out comment)
- Provide a RSA encrypt and RSA decrypt example.
- Provide an ECC sign example
How to patch a kernel (folder)
- Inlcude some scripts to patch your kernel, example for the Raspbian
- Reset the LetsTrust TPM with a pintoggle, only for development!