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moments Api

moments is developer Trevor J Alt’s love letter to Instagram, a social media platform and passion project designed for ongoing development and personal educational growth in image processing and how to implement a heavily conditionally rendered environment which handles large amounts of data storage and retrieval.

And really, who doesn’t love scrolling through photos attached with inspirational quotes and song lyrics?

moments Api is the backend for moments. To see moments in action, check out moments.

The moments frontend can be found at: moments-client

moments supports the creation of your own user account. If you'd like to experience moments before signing up, use the demo details below.

demo credentials

  • username: kakarot
  • password: Kakarot1!

table of contents.

the tech.


  • Node and Express
    • Authentication via JWT
    • RESTful Api
  • Database
    • Postgres
    • Knex.js - SQL wrapper
  • Middleware
    • Multer
    • Morgan
    • xss
    • Helmet
    • cors
    • bcryptjs
  • Testing
    • Supertest (integration)
    • Mocha and Chai (unit)


Deployed via Heroku



  • Postgres v8.5.1
  • Node v15.7.0

local setup.

Clone this repository to your local machine

git clone moments-api

Change directory into the cloned repository

cd moments-api

Make a fresh start of the git history for this project

rm -rf .git && git init

Install the node dependencies

npm install

Start the Postgres server

pg_ctl start

Create the development user

createuser -Pw --interactive 

Type kakarot for the name of the role to add

Select y when asked if the user should be a super user

Press return (enter) for no password

Create the development databases

createdb -U kakarot moments && createdb -U kakarot moments-test

Create a .env file in the project root, and include the following:


Run the migrations for the development database

npm run migrate

Run the migrations for the development test database

npm run migrate:test

Seed the development database

psql -U kakarot -d moments -f ./seeds/seed.moments_tables.sql

quick start scripts.

Run the moments tests

npm t

Start the application

npm start

Start nodemon for the application

npm run dev



  • endpoints
    • /api/auth
    • /api/user
    • /api/connection
    • /api/count
    • /api/feed
    • /api/post-caption
    • /api/post-photo
    • /api/profile-picture


moments is supported by JWT authentication. A valid username and user_password must be posted to the /api/auth/login/ endpoint. This will return a bearer token that must be included in the header for all protected endpoints. To create a valid user, see /api/user/

public endpoints.


  • POST

request body requires:

  username: '',
  user_password: ''


  • POST

request body requires:

  fullname: '',
  username: '',
  user_password: '',
  email: '',
  about_user: '',
  privacy: [Either 'Public' or 'Private']

protected endpoints.


  • GET

Header must include a JWT Token

request params requires:

  user_id: [number]


  • GET

Header must include a JWT Token

request user

  id: [number]


  • GET

Header must include a JWT Token

request user

  id: [number]


  • GET

Header must include a JWT Token

request user

  id: [number]


  • GET

Header must include a JWT Token

request user

  id: [number]


  • GET

Header must include a JWT Token

request user

  id: [number]


  • GET

Header must include a JWT Token

request params requires:

  user_id: [number]


  • POST

Header must include a JWT Token

Endpoint runs through multer and requires multipart/form-data

request body requires:

  caption_input: ''

file requires:

    img_type: [req.file.mimetype]
    img_file: [req.file.path]


  • GET

Header must include a JWT Token

request user

  id: [number]


  • GET

Header must include a JWT Token

request params requires:

  requested_user_id: [number]


  • POST

Header must include a JWT Token

Endpoint runs through multer and requires multipart/form-data

file requires:

    img_type: [req.file.mimetype]
    img_file: [req.file.path]



Header must include a JWT Token

Endpoint runs through multer and requires multipart/form-data

request params requires:

  profilepicture_id: [number]

file requires:

    img_type: [req.file.mimetype]
    img_file: [req.file.path]


  • GET

Header must include a JWT Token

request user

  id: [number]


  • GET

Header must include a JWT Token

request params requires:

  profilepicture_id: [number]

"it's all about the moments"