Logstics/logic circuit simulation game.
Internationalization is handled by gettext.
To generate logi-game.pot:
xgettext --keyword=_ --language=C++ --add-comments --sort-output -o locale/logi-game.pot src/main.cpp
To generate a language file (English in this case):
msginit --input=locale/logi-game.pot --locale=en --output=locale/en/logi-game.po
To compile the .mo file (also handled by the Makefile):
msgfmt --output-file=locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/logi-game.mo locale/en/logi-game.po
When new strings are added to the source, re-generate the pot file and merge the new strings into the language files:
msgmerge --update locale/en/logi-game.po locale/logi-game.pot
Learned to do this from the tutorial here.
- SDL2
- SDL2_ttf
- SDL2_image
- https://github.com/nlohmann/json
- Provides json.hpp.
- Documentation.
- Ubuntu Mono font family.
- Bootstrap Icons v1.9.1
- Index
- Changed all colors from
- gettext 0.21
Boost 1.74.0