A Framework for building CTFs.
CTFF can be used to define Capture The Flag (CTF) challenges in a very minimal amount of code, and render an interface for competitors to view and attempt challenges. Building a mini web-interface seems to be a thing that we frequently do when building a CTF and this framework aims to reduce that effort to near-zero.
CTFF is built on top of Flask and supplements it's functionality. All of the usual Flask features and functionality are still available.
The framework currently assumes that CTFs consist of a series of challenges, which are grouped together. The groups might be levels, or categories of challenges, the framework leaves it up to the author.
Each challenge consists of a number of "parts", one of which will usually be a submission. A challenge can only have one submission pathway, but multiple solutions or inputs if desired.
class MyChallenge(Challenge):
title = "My Challenge"
flag = "flag{ZzZzZzZ}"
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.parts = [
MarkdownPart("What lives in a hive and goes zzzz?"),
def verify_submission(self) -> bool:
return request.form["example"] == "bees"
This project is released under the MIT Licence. For more information, please see LICENSE.