A symbolic math library for Sidef.
var x = Symbol('x')
var y = Symbol('y')
say x+y #=> Sum(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'))
say x-y #=> Difference(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'))
say x*y #=> Product(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'))
say x/y #=> Fraction(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'))
say x**y #=> Power(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y'))
say Log(x) #=> Log(Symbol('x'))
say Log(x)+Log(y) #=> Log(Product(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y')))
say Exp(x) #=> Exp(Symbol('x'))
say Exp(x)*Exp(y) #=> Exp(Sum(Symbol('x'), Symbol('y')))
say "\n=> Sum:"
var sum = Fraction(0, 1)
for n in (1..10) {
sum += Fraction(1, n)
say sum #=> Fraction(10628640, 3628800)
say sum.numeric.as_frac #=> 7381/2520
say "\n=> Product:"
var prod = Fraction(1, 1)
for n in (0..3) {
prod *= Exp(Fraction(1, n!))
say prod #=> Product(Fraction(1, 1), Exp(Fraction(1, 1)), Exp(Fraction(1, 1)), Exp(Fraction(1, 2)), Exp(Fraction(1, 6)))
say prod.numeric #=> 14.39191609514989...
say "\n=> Alternative representations:"
Power(3, 5).alternatives.each { .say } #=> [Exp(Product(Log(3), 5)), Power(3, 5), 243]
The types supported by this library are described bellow:
Represents a symbolic value. Optionally, it can have a numeric value.
Represents a symbolic fraction.
Represents a symbolic difference.
Represents a symbolic exponentiation in a symbolic base.
Represents the natural logarithm of a symbolic value.
Represents the natural exponentiation of a symbolic value.
Represents a summation of an arbitrary (finite) number of symbolic values.
Represents a product of an arbitrary (finite) number of symbolic values.
An interesting feature is the support for alternative representations (provided by the method .alternatives
which uses common mathematical identities to create symbolically equivalent expressions from the self-expression.
Bellow we describe the special methods provided by this library:
Returns an array with alternative representations from the self-expression.
Exp(Log(3) * 2) -> alternatives.each { .say }
Exp(Product(Log(3), 2))
Power(3, 2)
Returns a simplification of the self-expression.
Exp(Log(Log(Exp(Exp(Log(Symbol('x'))))))) -> simple.say
Returns a human-readable stringification of the self-expression.
Power(3, Log(Fraction(1, 2))) -> pretty.say
Evaluates the self-expression numerically and returns the result as a Number or a Complex object.
var x = Symbol('x')
var expr = (x**2 - x + 41)
for n in (1..3) {
x.value = n # sets `x` to the value of `n`
say expr.numeric # evaluates the expression numerically
The library requires the Sidef programming language: https://github.com/trizen/sidef