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This is a simple biased website scaffolding that I use for my projects.


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Website Scaffolding

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This is a simple biased website scaffolding that I use for my projects. It uses the following libraries and tools:

  • Axum for the web framework.
  • Askama for the template engine.
  • Htmx for the client-side interactivity.
  • Tailwind CSS for the styling.

In the assets folder there are predefined fonts which are used in the Tailwind CSS configuration. These are:

The fonts and scripts are not loaded from a CDN but are included in the project itself. This reduces the number of external dependencies and allows for the website to be used offline.

The template root.html is the base template for all the pages. It includes all the necessary CSS and JavaScript files and allows for the title and the content to be overridden.

The index.html is the main page of the website and is the one that is shown when the website is accessed. It is handled by the home function in the handler module.

The 404.html is the page that is shown when a page is not found. The handler for this page is the not_found function in the handler module. It is registered as the fallback route in the main function.

As of now there is only one template defined in the folder simple. In the future I will add more templates and styles to the project as needed.


The project requires the following tools to be installed:

The template additionally requires the following tools to be installed:

  • Node.js to compile the Tailwind CSS.
  • Docker if you want to run the server in a container.


This scaffolding can be used as a template for new projects. It can be installed using the cargo generate command. To install the template, use the following command:

$ cargo generate --git

This will create a new folder with the name of the project and will initialize it with the parameterized templates. The project can be built using the following commands:

$ cd project-name
$ cargo build --release

The project can be run using the following command:

$ cargo run --release

The server will start and will listen on http://localhost:8080.

You can start implementing your website by modifying the src/ and src/templates files to suit your needs. You can also modify the src/ file to add more routes and handlers. You add or modify the assets folder to include your own fonts and scripts.

The resulting server can be configured using a configuration file. The configuration file is a TOML file that contains the following fields:

  • host: The host on which the server will listen. Default is
  • port: The port on which the server will listen. Default is 8080.
  • log: The log filter directive as defined by the tracing-subscriber crate. For more information on the filter directive, see the documentation. Default is error.
  • site.title: The title of the website. There is no default value for this field.
  • site.language: The language of the website. Default is en.
  • site.base: The base URL of the website. This is used to generate the URLs for the pages. There is no default value for this field.
  • assets: Is a table that contains an entry for every asset that is used in the website. The keys are the names of the assets and the values are tables with the following fields:
    • route: The route to the assets.
    • path: The path to the assets folder.

Configuration files can be defined as follows:

host = ""
port = 8080
log = "info"

language = "en"
title = "My Website"
base = "http://localhost:8080"

route = "/assets"
path = "assets"

The configuration file can be passed to the server using the --config flag. For example:

$ cargo run --release -- --config config.toml

The server can also be configured using environment variables. The environment variables that can be used are the same as the fields in the configuration file but are prefixed with WEBSITE_ and are in uppercase. For example:

$ WEBSITE_HOST="localhost" WEBSITE_PORT="8080" WEBSITE_LOG="info" cargo run --release

The prefix is defined as constants in the file and can be changed there. The constants are:

  • CONFIG_FILE: The name of the default configuration file. It is set to website.toml.
  • CONFIG_PATHS: The paths where the configuration file is searched for. It is set to ["."].
  • CONFIG_ENV_PREFIX: The prefix for the environment variables. It is set to WEBSITE. The separator between the prefix and the field is _.
  • CONFIG_ENV_FILE: The name of the environment variable that contains the path to the configuration file. It is set to WEBSITE_CONFIG.


The server can be run in a Docker container. The Dockerfile is defined in the repository and can be built using the following command:

$ docker build -t website .

The server can be run using the following command:

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -it --rm website

The server can also be run using a configuration file. The configuration file can be mounted to the container using the following command:

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd)/config.toml:/config.toml -it --rm website --config /config.toml

This will override the default configuration file with the one that is mounted to the container.

The container is built using the rust:latest image and the server is compiled using the --release flag. This means that the server is optimized for performance and the profile strips the debug information from the binary. The binary is a full self-contained statically linked binary that can be run on any system that has the same architecture as the one that it was compiled on. The container only contains the binary, the assets and the configuration file. This means that the container is as small as possible and since no external dependencies are used, the container provides minimal attack surface.


This project is licensed under the MIT License or the Apache License 2.0, at your option. For details, see the LICENSE-MIT and LICENSE-APACHE files for more information.


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  • Giving it a star on GitHub.
  • Sharing it with your friends.
  • Contributing to the project by opening an issue or a pull request.
  • Donating to the project by using the following links:
    • Bitcoin (Taproot): bc1pqdck3v3r7sa4mgl0dztfzufa4xg66g8cpcgwvjax9rtx6mlxafdqcgw3g2
    • Bitcoin (Segwit): bc1qet2ypmsxtx6mc03329ft5a736fy906flm4c42a9d3e7mvu872tcs8myzs6
    • Patreon

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