I'm an SRE and live in Denver. Don't contact me about cryptocoin "opportunities" - At best, kleptocurrencies are a Ponzi scam, and as a bonus they're also usually an ecological disaster. I want nothing to do with the entire ecosystem.
- 💬 My blog is at unixorn.github.io.
- 🐘 My Mastodon is @unixorn@hachyderm.io
- 🔭 When I'm not maintaining my various lists and projects, I’m usually tinkering on some IOT (More specifically, Home Assistant projects or playing around with some ARM single board computers, ESP32s or ESP8266s.
- ⚡ I enjoy cooking, especially baking.
- ⚡ I enjoy hiking and have summited a couple fourteeners (Quandary and Mt. Bierstadt).
- 🦐 I have a nanotank for neocaridina shrimp.
If you like the lists I'm maintaining or the other projects I blog about, you can sponsor me, or buy geeky swag from my spreadshirt and redbubble shops.