This project has been archived because it is no longer maintained. The latest official version can be found at Kùzu WASM Page (Kùzu Team)
Kùzu is an embedded graph database built for query speed and scalability.
Kùzu-Wasm brings kuzu to every browser thanks to WebAssembly.
Try it out at
Prerequisite: Enable Cross-Origin-isolation
<script type="module">
import kuzu_wasm from '';
(async () => {
const kuzu = await kuzu_wasm();
window.kuzu = kuzu
const db = await kuzu.Database()
const conn = await kuzu.Connection(db)
await conn.execute(`CREATE NODE TABLE User(name STRING, age INT64, PRIMARY KEY (name))`)
await conn.execute(`CREATE (u:User {name: 'Alice', age: 35});`)
const res = await conn.execute(`MATCH (a:User) RETURN a.*;`)
const res_json = JSON.parse(res.table.toString());
npm install @kuzu/kuzu-wasm
import kuzu_wasm from '@kuzu/kuzu-wasm';
(async () => {
const kuzu = await kuzu_wasm();
const db = await kuzu.Database()
const conn = await kuzu.Connection(db)
await conn.execute(`CREATE NODE TABLE User(name STRING, age INT64, PRIMARY KEY (name))`)
await conn.execute(`CREATE (u:User {name: 'Alice', age: 35});`)
const res = await conn.execute(`MATCH (a:User) RETURN a.*;`)
const res_json = JSON.parse(res.table.toString());
git clone --recursive
make package
Subproject | Description | Language |
kuzu_wasm | Wasm Library | C++ |
@kuzu/kuzu-wasm | Javascript API | Javascript |
@kuzu/kuzu-shell | Cypher Shell | React |
By contributing to kuzu-wasm, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the MIT License.