A Discord bot
Written in Python 3.9.0
Install required packages
Note: This app is written with the discord.py rewrite, some commands will not work on other versions. More information can be found here: https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/rewrite/migrating.html
pip install -r requirements.txt
Configure the app using config.json
Rename config.json_sample to config.json
Add your bot's token to:
Fiat is set to USD by default. Set your default fiat currency with:
Note: Use the lowercase three letter symbol for your BASE_CURRENCY currency or the API won't fetch the information properly.
Always back up your config file, the changes that are made on the repository might replace your local config file with the default one. Some steps have been taken to help mitigate this problem, however you should always keep your API keys and tokens safely backed up elsewhere.
The admin cog includes functions that only you or someone you set as the admin will be able to invoke. You will need to insert your unique Discord ID into the config under DISCORD > ADMIN_ID. Here are two ways to get your Discord ID:
In Discord, go to Settings > Appearance > Enable Developer Mode. Right click on your username in any channel and select Copy ID.
Set up the bot as you would normally without adding your ID to the config. Run the bot and attempt to use the clearlog command. By invoking the command, you have added an entry into the log with your information. The information will appear as username#1234[YOUR_ID]. Open the log and copy your ID into the bot's config. Rerun the bot.
CryptoTicker uses CoinGecko's API to fetch cryptocurrency prices.
!price <ticker> [base_currency]
This command will return the price of Bitcoin vs the base currency you have chosen in your config:
!price btc
Note: You are able to use the symbol or the full name of the currency. BTC or Bitcoin.
And this command will return the price of Bitcoin vs the Australian dollar:
!price btc aud
The basecurrency command allows you to use the bot to change your default base currency:
!basecurrency <currency>
!basecurrency aud
StockTicker uses the Alpha Vantage API to fetch stock quotes. You will need your own API key to run this cog. Get yours for free at https://www.alphavantage.co/
!quote <ticker>
TwitStream fetches user's tweets and relays them to your Discord channel.
You will need your own Twitter Developer account and your own keys for this cog to work. You can apply for a Twitter dev account here: https://developer.twitter.com/
The following command will fetch a tweet from the user's timeline:
!twit <screen_name> [count]
The optional count parameter will return the user's tweet based on the order the tweet is in their timeline. None or 1 is the most recent tweet, and 2 would be the user's second most recent tweet, etc.
This cog adds the dict and urban commands.
!dict <search_term>
The following examples apply to both commands within the cog
For single word inquiries:
!dict hello
For multiple word inquiries:
!dict "hello world"
Note: When using the slash commands for this cog, the quotes are not necessary
It is highly recommended that you use a virtual environment for setting up and running this bot. After cloning this project and entering the directory you cloned to, run:
python -m virtualenv venv
This will create a folder inside your cloned directory named "venv" with all the necessary Python files to run a separate source for the bot to run. Any pip installs while the virtual environment is activated will be installed here.
Next you will need to activate the virtualenv:
On Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
On Windows:
After successfully activating the virtual environment, you will see (venv) on your command line.
Next, install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Finally, assuming your config.json is all set up, run:
python bot.py