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Jason Baldridge edited this page Jun 20, 2013 · 12 revisions

A major aspect of the course is the project, which will be developed in six phases, alternating with the homework assignments.

  • Phase 1: Using the Twitter streaming API and doing basic processing of tweets.
  • Phase 2: Using twitter4j to process tweets using Scala.
  • Phase 3: Create interactive Twitter applications (e.g. bots and/or clusterers)
  • Phase 4: Extended bot behavior w/ Akka or data analysis and visualization.
  • Phase 5: Refine and extend the work from Phase 4.
  • Project Presentation: End-of-semester presentation of the course project.
  • Project Report: The end-of-semester final report on the course project.

The semester is over, and the projects are finished! Here are the papers, PDFs and links to the code.

Please cite the relevant paper if you use it or any of the resources!

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