macro preprocessor for a low level language implementing parameter passing, nested macros, comments removal, single line macros and conditionals in macro
Syntax of defining a macro: $startmacro macro_name [parameter1,parameter2…] Code block #comment $endmacro
Note: Every parameter defined should start with “$”
Syntax of defining a Single line macro: $startmacro macro_name [parameter1,parameter2…] Codeline $endmacro
Syntax of defining conditional in a macro: $startmacro macro_name [parameter1,parameter2…] Code block #comment &if condition If code &endif &else Else code &endelse &while condition While code &endwhile
Code block
Programs Accepted:
$startmacro write $arg4
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, eax
mov edx, $arg4
int 80h
$startmacro largest $arg1=5,$arg2,$arg3
mov ecx, $arg1
cmp ecx, $arg2
jg thirdnum
section .text
global _start
largest ,4,5
write msg
mov eax,1
int 80h
$startmacro trywhile $arg5,$arg6 mov eax, $arg5 #to increment &while $arg5<2 mov ebx, $arg6 add ebx,1 &endwhile $endmacro section .text global _start _start: trywhile 0,1 mov eax,1 int 80h
$startmacro write $arg4 mov eax, 4 mov ebx, 1 mov ecx, eax mov edx, $arg4 int 80h $endmacro $startmacro largest $arg1=5,$arg2,$arg3 mov ecx, $arg1 cmp $arg2 jg thirdnum $startmacro read $arg1,$arg2 mov eax, $arg1+$arg2 $endmacro #nested single line macro $endmacro $startmacro trywhile $arg5 mov eax, $arg5 &while $arg5<2 mov ebx, $arg5 add ebx,1 &endwhile $endmacro section .text global _start _start: largest 5,4,5 write msg trywhile 0
mov eax,1 int 80h
$startmacro read $arg1,$arg2 mov eax, $arg1+$arg2 $endmacro $startmacro write $arg4 mov eax, 4 mov ebx, 1 mov ecx, eax mov edx, $arg4 int 80h $endmacro $startmacro largest $arg1=5,$arg2,$arg3 mov ecx, $arg1 cmp $arg2 jg thirdnum &if $arg1>0 #nested &if and &else mov eax, $arg1 &if $arg3>0 mov ebx, $arg3 &endif &else mov ecx, $arg3 &endelse &endif &else mov eax, $arg2 &endelse $endmacro $startmacro trywhile $arg5 mov eax, $arg5 &while $arg5<2 #&while loop mov ebx, $arg5 add ebx,1 &endwhile $endmacro section .text global _start _start: largest 5,4,5 write msg trywhile 0 mov eax,1 int 80h
$startmacro read $arg1,$arg2 mov eax, $arg1+$arg2 $endmacro $startmacro write $arg4 mov eax, 4 mov ebx, 1 mov ecx, eax mov edx, $arg4 int 80h $endmacro $startmacro largest $arg1=5,$arg2,$arg3 mov ecx, $arg1 cmp $arg2 jg thirdnum read 2,3 #calling macro inside another macro $endmacro $startmacro trywhile $arg5 mov eax, $arg5 &while $arg5<2 mov ebx, $arg5 add ebx,1 &endwhile $endmacro section .text global _start _start: largest 5,4,5 write msg trywhile 0
mov eax,1 int 80h Features included: The features included in this macro preprocessor:
1. Parameter substitution - positional (with default arguments) and keyword
This was implemented by storing arguments, parameters and default arguments in separate dictionaries - macroarg, macropar and macrodef respectively - with keys being the name of the macro. Each line was traversed and parameters were substituted according to the requirements
2. Nested macro implementation
This was implemented by recursively calling the macro definition function whenever a $startmacro was encountered within the body of the parent macro.
3. Comments removal
This was implemented by finding the index of ‘#’ in the line and taking the substring before it to store in macro dictionary.
4. Single line macro implementation
This was implemented by checking the position of $endmacro with respect to $startmacro to detect single line definitions and then applying parameter substitution
5. Conditional
This was implemented by calling the checkif function and checkwhile function whenever &if and &while was detected respectively. The condition was evaluated which lead to further action.
Further Improvements
- &if cannot be implemented without &else.
- Nested &while has not been implemented
- Condition for &if and &while only take mathematical and logical expressions with integers
- Single line macros can only be called in the beginning of the line