Ubuntu/CentOS based development and applications running environments.
Minimalist base environment, based on Ubuntu/CentOS. In each version of the base distribution you will get enabled:
- Locales support
- BASH as default shell interpreter
- Full set of APT/RPM utils.
The base layer is basically for non-interactive (without terminal and shell) use. This base layer is useful:
- as a base for fast installing and running application in your own environments, because of enabled by default distribution's packages repositories. In CentOS out-of-box enabled: Enterprise Linux Repo, which will give you access to the latest version and wide variety of software not available or not enabled by default. In Ubuntu out-of-box enabled: restricted, universe and multiverse repositories.
- It's convenient to run locale dependent applications such as PostgreSQL (#1). First of all the application will use your locale in cases of data inputs, default collates and outputs it's message and logs.
Simple dev environment with timezones enabled and vital cli utils and completions
- wget
- curl
- unzip
- p7zip
- bash-completion
- git
- vim-nox/vim-enhanced
Based on the basecli image is fully configured for comfortable use for development environment.
- php 7.2
- uuid
- gettext
- fpm
- intl
- mbstring
- mysql
- gd
- pgsql
- sqlite3
- zip
- opcache
- xml
- yaml
- zip
- curl
- http
- imagick
- xdebug
- redis
- memcache
- intl
- json
- cli
- exif
The latest version of Docker CE.
- #1 - Examples of running PostgreSQL app without of doing boilerplate:
RUN localedef -i de_DE -c -f UTF-8 -A /usr/share/locale/locale.alias de_DE.UTF-8