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macOS-ThinkPad-X1C6 (OpenCore)


本數據庫的組態設定支援 OpenCore 或 Clover 作為開機載入器,惟說明更新需時,說明更新完成後,將上載至本數據庫。



這數據庫提供於 第六代 ThinkPad X1 Carbon 筆記型電腦安裝 macOS 的資源。由於這些資源並不能保證安裝一定成功,所以如果遇到問題時,請用戶自行於網路上尋找有關資源解決相關問題。安裝 macOS 具有一定風險,請用戶先行備份資料,本人將不會對 參考 本數據庫的任何資源後 而引致的任何後果負責。只適用於 20KH 機型。


  • 收集資源以便安裝 macOS 於 第六代 ThinkPad X1 Carbon 上
  • 避免我忘記如何在 第六代 ThinkPad X1 Carbon上 安裝 macOS
  • 分享資源以便其他用戶也能安裝
  • 備份 Clover 開機載入器的設定


  1. 硬體規格
  2. UEFI 韌體設定
  3. 軟體概觀
    1. 相容性
    2. 軟體功能
      1. 基本系統功能
      2. 連接端口
      3. 網絡功能
      4. 輸入裝置
      5. 電源管理
      6. 繪圖及音效
  4. 安裝步驟
  5. More to know
  6. Useful utilities
  7. Credits


以下是我的 第六代 ThinkPad X1 Carbon 所搭載的硬體規格
元件 型號
處理器 Intel Core i7-8550U
圖形處理器 Intel UHD Graphics 620
記憶體 Onboard 16GB LPDDR3 2133MHz
音訊 編解碼器 Realtek ALC 285 (ALC3286)
無線廣域網路卡 (WWAN) Sierra Wireless EM7455 (Qualcomm Snapdragon X7 LTE-A Modem)
乙太網路卡 (Ethernet) Intel I219V4 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet
無線區域網路-藍芽卡 (Wi-Fi) Dell DW1560
藍芽 BCM20702A0
無線區域網路裝置 Broadcom BCM94352Z
SD 讀卡器 Realtek USB3.0 Card Reader
內建螢幕解析度 2560x1440 (2K)
UEFI 韌體版本 1.43 (N23ET68W)
儲存裝置 Samsung 860 EVO M.2. SATA 6Gb/s SSD
Thunderbolt 控制器 Intel Alpine Ridge DSL6540 Thunderbolt 3 NHI


UEFI 韌體設定

以下只會列出關鍵設定值,您可以隨意更改UEFI 韌體中的其他設定
路徑 建議值 註解
Config/Network/Wake On LAN Disabled 如果啟用將限制乙太網路速度至最高100Mbps
Config/USB/USB UEFI BIOS Support Enabled 啟用 UEFI USB 開機功能
Config/Power/8254 Timer Clock Gating Auto -
Config/Power/Sleep State Linux -
Config/Thunderbolt (TM) 3/Thunderbolt Security Level No Security 如果啟用將無法於 macOS 使用 Thunderbolt 3
Config/Thunderbolt (TM) 3/Thunderbolt 3 BIOS Assistant Disabled 如果啟用將無法於 macOS 使用 Thunderbolt 3
Config/Thunderbolt (TM) 3/Support in Pre Boot Environment: Thunderbolt (TM) device Pre-boot ACL 如果設置為其他值將無法使用前端 Thuderbolt 3 端口
Security/Intel (R) SGX/ Intel (R) SGX Control Disabled -
Security/Secure Boot Configuration/SecureBoot Disabled 如果啟用將無法以 macOS 開機(啟用後執行檔需要經數字簽注後始可執行)
Security/Device Guard/Device Guard Disabled -




  • macOS Mojave
    • 10.14.6
      • 2019-09-04
  • macOS Catalina
    • 10.15
      • 2019-10-06
    • 10.15.1
      • 2019-10-30
    • 10.15.2
      • 2019-12-18



功能 狀態 相依性 註解
macOS (10.14.x 或 10.15.x) VirtualSMC.kext, Lilu.kext,Clover Bootloader Clover v2.5k R5100
iMessage/ FaceTime Apple 帳戶, 有效的 SMBIOS SMBIOS 說明
App Store Apple 帳戶 -
iCloud Apple 帳戶 -
Siri Apple 帳戶, 正常運作的麥克風 AppleALC.kext
iTunes 影片播放 WhateverGreen.kext, Apple ID (視乎情況) -
檔案系統 (APFS/HFS+) SATA M.2. 固態硬碟或相容的 M.2. PCIe 固態硬碟 對 NVMe 沒有 電源管理
功能 狀態 相依性 註解
Micro SD 讀卡器 修改後的 AppleUSBCardReader.kext -
USB 3.1 USBInjectAll.kext , SSDT-UAIC.aml -
Thunderbolt 3 擴充埠的 DisplayPort SSDT-TB3.aml, IOElectrify.kext -
Thunderbolt 3 擴充埠 SSDT-TB3.aml, IOElectrify.kext -
Thunderbolt 3 熱插拔 SSDT-TB3.aml, IOElectrify.kext -
Thunderbolt 3 擴充埠的 乙太網路端口 Thunderbolt 3 擴充埠 (40AC型號), AppleRTL815XComposite109.kext, AppleRTL815XEthernet109.kext 產品介紹
功能 狀態 相依性 註解
AirDrop BT4LEContiunityFixup.kext, 正常運作的藍芽和無線區域網路功能 -
藍芽 BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext, BrcmPatchRAM3.kext, BrcmBluetoothInjector.kext -
接續互通 (Continuty) BT4LEContiunityFixup.kext, 正常運作的藍芽和無線區域網路功能 -
延伸桌面(Sidecar) 已安裝iPadOS 13 的 iPad 於安裝了 iPad OS 13 的 iPad Pro 10.5 上測試過,正常運作
乙太網路 IntelMausiEthernet.kext -
Wi-Fi 把 原廠的無線區域網路 換成 Dell DW1560 -
Sierra Wireless EM7455 Legacy_Sierra_QMI.kext 沒有無線廣域網路
功能 狀態 相依性 註解
小紅帽 (指點杆) VoodooPS2Controller.kext -
觸控板 VoodooPS2Controller.kext -
內建鍵盤 VoodooPS2Controller.kext -
功能 狀態 相依性 註解
續航力 非 NVMe 的固態硬碟, 正常運作的電源管理功能 (GPU/CPU) 對輕度上網作業,約每小時下降10%
電池容量百分比 修改過的 DSDT.aml 使用 MaciASL 修改ACPI表
處理器 電源管理 (SpeedShift) XCPM -
內建繪圖處理器 電源管理 XCPM -
睡眠 - 禁用
休眠 - 禁用
功能 狀態 相依性 註解
麥克風 AppleALC.kext with Layout ID = 11 -
揚聲器 AppleALC.kext 的 Layout ID = 11 -
繪圖加速 (QE/CI) WhateverGreen.kext, 經config.plist自定義的裝置屬性 -
HiDPI (非必須) ⚠️ Shell Script from xzhih Click Here 於睡眠後可能有奇怪的解析度問題





STEP 1: Create Installation Media

  • A working computer with macOS (or Mac OS X 10.7 or later)
  • A working computer with Linux
  • A working USB drive with 16GB or more capacity
  • Internet connection (Not required if you already have the installer)
  • A copy of macOS installation medium
    • For macOS Mojave click here to get the application to download a copy of macOS Mojave installer.
    • For macOS Catalina click here to get the application to download a copy of macOS Catalina installer.
    • Download macOS Catalina from the App Store
If you are using macOS
  1. Follow the gudie here
  2. Copy boot files to the USB such that it is bootable on ThinkPad
    1. Mount EFI System partition using diskutil
      1. Check the identifier for the EFI System partition of the USB using diskutil list
      2. Mount it, e.g. diskutil mount disk3s1
      3. You should see a new EFI volume appeared in Finder, that is the EFI System partition of the USB.
    2. Copy boot files
      1. Go to the EFI folder of this repository
      2. Copy the entire EFI Folder to the root of the EFI System partition of the USB.
      3. You have copied the boot files.
    3. Finished. Move on to step 2.
If you are using Linux
  1. Use the script here: (Credit: notthebee)

STEP 2: Boot into installer
  • A working ThinkPad X1 Carbon 6th Type 20KH
    • Permission to change boot order
  • A properly created macOS installer in a bootable USB (That you might have created in step 1)
  1. Plug in the USB Installer into the USB 3.0 Type A port of the ThinkPad.
  2. Press F12 on your ThinkPad while it boots
  3. Select your USB in the boot menu using arrow keys and press Enter to boot.
  4. You should see a boot menu screen, select an item named 'Install macOS (version name) 'and press Enter
    1. Install macOS Catalina for macOS Catalina
    2. Install macOS Mojave for macOS Mojave
  5. You should see long text running in a black background for some time, this is normal.
  6. You should see macOS Installer menu, move on to step 3.

STEP 3: Partition your disks
  • A working ThinkPad X1 Carbon 6th Type 20KH
    • Booted to macOS Installer
  • A properly created macOS installer in a bootable USB (That you might have created in step 1)
  1. Open Disk Utility
  2. Partition your disks according to your wish and your needs
  3. Format the partitions with APFS (Apple File System)
  4. You have partitioned your disks. Move on to step 4.

STEP 4: Begin installation
  • A working ThinkPad X1 Carbon 6th Type 20KH
    • Booted to macOS Installer
    • Created approproiate partitions for macOS installations
  • A properly created macOS installer in a bootable USB (That you might have created in step 1)
  1. Click Install macOS
  2. Select the partition that you have created as the destination
  3. Click install, the installation will start
  1. Your computer will restart for a few times
  2. When the ThinkPad is restarted, repeat Step 2 to continue the installation
  3. When the installation is completed, move on to Step 5.

STEP 5: Setup macOS
  • A working ThinkPad X1 Carbon 6th Type 20KH
    • Installed a fresh copy of macOS
  • A properly created macOS installer in a bootable USB (That you might have created in step 1)
  1. Follow on-screen instructions to setup your macOS installation.
  2. You should see macOS Desktop when you have finished, move on step 6.

STEP 6: Post Install Tweaks
  • Post installation materials
    • Located in post folder in this repository
  • A working ThinkPad X1 Carbon 6th Type 20KH
    • Installed macOS
  1. Install required kernel extensions kexts
    1. Get the required materials
      1. Download and Open the Kext folder inside post folder in this repository
        • post/Kext
      2. Download kextbeast
    2. Install the kexts
      1. Drag and drop all kext files from post/kext to your desktop
      2. Open Kextbeast
      3. Select /Library/Extensions as the package to install
      4. Click install and wait until a big green tick appeared on screen
      5. You have successfully installed the required kexts
    3. Copy boot files
      1. Mount EFI System partition using diskutil
        1. Check the identifier for the EFI System partition of the installation disk using diskutil list
        2. Mount it, e.g.diskutil mount disk0s1
        3. You should see a new EFI volume appeared in Finder, that is the EFI System partition of the installation drive.
      2. Copy boot files
        1. Go to the EFI folder of this repository
        2. Copy the entire EFI Folder to the root of the EFI System partition of the installation drive.
        3. Configure SMBIOS using the guide here: Link
          1. System Model should be MacBookPro14,1
            • Reason: To enable HWP for better power management
        4. You have copied the boot files.

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More to know

  • DSDT Patching guide
  • iMessage Guide
  • Battery life improvement
    • Follow guide here to enable native CPU/ GPU Power Management: Link to Tonymacx86
      • The CPU / GPU Power management is archieved by CPUFriend.kext and CPUFriendDataProvider.kext in my setup.
    • Do not use NVMe (PCIe) SSD for Hackintosh if you care about battery life
  • ThinkPad Thunderbolt 3 Dock (Type 40AC) Tweaks
    • Download the requried software for working Ethernet
  • Thunderbolt Tweaks
    • Principles and patching guide
    • SSDT
    • IOElectrify for hot plugging support
  • If you have other other suggestions
    • Talk on Github

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Useful utilities

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Last update: 2020-01-05