Step 1 — You need a VPS to host and run this script. I religiously recommend DigitalOcean droplet. I think you'll get a 50USD or 100USD credit on DigitalOcean when you sign-up with the link I shared. You could check Amazon AWS or Google Cloud Platform also. Select Debian, Ubuntu, or CentOS while you're creating a droplet or instance.
Step 2 — Install Python 3 followed by the modules facebook, tweepy, and schedule. Installing modules will get fairly easy once you get the hang of it. (pip3 install modulename
Step 3 — Create a Facebook page and generate an Access Token from Paste the token to the accesstoken field in the script.
Step 4 — Create a Twitter app and generate tokens & secret keys. It's explained in the Access token/secret method section of this blog post.
Step 5 — Download the English words data-set of your choice. Replace the words.txt in my repo with the text set of yours. Fire up the script with the command sudo python3
You can use tmux to manage the sessions.
Also read:
Look at & for example (archived).
You could use Pillow to post images or even GTTS + moviepy combo to post videos.
Every Word Bot is provided under the MIT license. See LICENSE.TXT for more information.