A 3D atomic deposition simulation model written entirely in Python. PytOpenGL library is used for 3D visualization of individual atoms being deposited on a flat surface. This was done as a course project (EE216: Nanomaterials and Nanometer-scale Device) at UCSC and was done with a group of three PhD students:
- Yucheng Li
- Md Nafiz Amin
- Vahid Ganjalizadeh (https://github.com/vganjali)
The Lennard-Jones potential (L-J potential) is a mathematical model to approximate the interaction between a pair of neutral atoms or molecules.
$\epsilon$ : Depth of the potential well -
$\sigma$ : Distance at wich$V_{LJ}=0$ -
$r_m$ : Distance at wich$V_{LJ}$ is minimum ($=-\epsilon$ ) - (
$r_m=2^{1/6}\sigma\approx1.122\sigma$ ) -
$r^{-12}$ : The repulsive term, describes Pauli repulsion at short ranges due to overlapping electrin orbitals -
$r^{-6}$ The attractive term, describes attraction at long ranges (for example, Van de Waals force) - The same equation is used in many-particle environment
- A well-arranged bottom layer is assumed to be pre-formed when the simulation starts
- Exerts attractive/repulsive force on incoming particles according to L-J potential
- Provides a general model for the simulation
- Particle slows down when L-J potential changes sharply
- Increases the stablity around the equilibrium point
$r_{k+1}=r_{k}+\Delta t \nu_{k}+{\Delta t}^2\frac{F_{r_k}}{m}$ $r_{k+1}=\nu_{k}+\frac{\Delta t}{2m}(F_{r_k}+F_{r_{k+1}})$ -
$\Delta t_{k+1}={1}/{[\nu_k \times exp(r_c-r_n)]}$ -
$r_c$ is critical distance to look for neighbors -
$r_n$ is the distance from the closest neighbor
- A counter is the triggered whenever the first change in the sign of the force
$F=-\frac{\partial V_{LJ}}{\partial r}$ is detected - After a reasonable number of time-steps, timeout happens and the particle reaches the equilibrium
- Simplifies complexity due to large force from the bottom surface
- Velocity of the particle is dampled if there is a change in sign of velocity or force
- Velocity sign change indicates collision, and damping emulates inelastic collision
- Force sign change indicates crissing the equilibrium and damping velocity around it simplifies the motion
- 1/0 indicate presence/absence of old atoms
- Submatrix dimension
$(2 critical distance+1) \times (2 critical distance+1)$