A generator to you create an Ansible Playbook to automate the installation of your apps and dotfiles.
Install packblade with npm:
You need to paste your dotfiles into a folder called dotfiles/
and use the commands below to choose
which programs you want to add to the automation.
$ packblade --help
Usage: packblade <command>
Where <command> is one of:
install <appname> Add a role(app) to the your package
add <foldername> Add a file or folder to the your package
show Show availables roles(Applications)
build Generates its ready to use package
$ packblade install spotify
$ packblade add dotfiles
$ packblade build
./install [options] [roles...]
Supported options:
-v/--verbose (repeat for more verbosity)
Other options (passed through to Ansible):
Supported roles:
Install defaults apps.
Install docker and docker-compose.
Creates symlinks in $HOME to the dotfiles in this repo
Install spotify client
Install telegram client
Work in progress...
You can use the same role name
sudo ./install --tags="telegram"
The code is available under the MIT License.