The seeds to build distributions of your "desktop" apps with Electron for running well on macOS, Windows & Linux
- Clone this repo to your computer
- Copy all ready-to-go files of your app into folder "src/app-primary"
- Replace the icons (in the "build" folder) by your app icon - use this convert tool ( if you need to create icon files from your PNG image
- Type "npm install" to install all dependencies (in terminal/command prompt at the project folder, of course)
- Type "npm run electron" to test your "desktop" app that packed with Electron
- Type "npm run electron-build" to build the distributions of your app (macOS, Windows & Linux)
- Open the folder named "dist" to see the distributions of your "desktop" app.
More information:
- Modify the publish section of package.json to specify the endpoint of app releases for checking updates (demo value is
- Electron (Mother of ATOM, GitHub Desktop, Visual Studio Code, ...):
- Electron Builder (The excellent tool that does this job):
- Make desktop application with Ionic & Electron (very good step-by-step article):