Walric is a command-line tool that helps you build a collection of images curated by the Reddit community. This collection can then be queried to find images to use as your desktop wallpaper(s).
_________________________________________________________________ / Title Abandoned observatory in the fog [oc] \ | Author u/dulln | | Subreddit AbandonedPorn | | Posted At 2021-10-28 19:07:37 UTC | | Permalink https://reddit.com/r/AbandonedPorn/comments/qhrmei/ | | Image URL https://i.redd.it/ug7tltjs38w71.jpg | | Image Size 4000 x 2828 | | Filename /home/walric/AbandonedPorn/qhrmei-ug7tltjs38w71.jpg | | NSFW false | \ Walric ID 6774 / ----------------------------------------------------------------- \ ^___^ \ (...)\_______ (___)\ )\/\ ||----w | || ||
- crawls a list of subreddits,
- looks for posts containing images,
- downloads the images to a local directory, and a sub-directory per subreddit,
- stores Reddit post and image metadata in a local SQLite3 database.
Take a look at the following threads to find interesting content ;-)
- List of Art subreddits
- What are the best photo-based subreddits?
- A list of all photography related subreddits?
Walric uses a TOML configuration file, located by default under ~/.config/walric.toml.
[reddit] user_agent = "Comment Extraction (by /u/<YOUR_USER_ID>)" [walric] data_dir = "/home/walric" submission_limit = 20 time_filter = "month" subreddits = [ "AbandonedPorn" "Castles", "Museum", ]
Walric runs thanks to:
- the vartanbeno/go-reddit HTTP client;
- the vcraescu/go-xrandr wrapper;
- the SQLite database engine, and mattn/go-sqlite3 wrapper;
- the jmoiron/sqlx extension to
; - the golang-migrate/migrate database migration library;
- the spf13/cobra command-line library;
- the rs/zerolog structured logger;
- the TOML configuration file format and BurntSushi/toml parser.
Walric is the successor to Redwall.
Walric is licenced under the MIT License.