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slack project ts 2019 08 14

akabeko edited this page Nov 16, 2019 · 1 revision


Time Icon Name Message
01:19 shinyu @Johannes Wilm Yes, when I say “modern browser” it includes Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Edge that support ES6 syntax natively.

I tried both buble({ transforms: { forOf: false } }) and buble({ transforms: { dangerousForOf: true } }) options that the plugin buble’s error message suggests (I think dangerousForOf: true should be ok because all for-of are used for array in our TS code). However I got another error again (same error in both options):

[!] (plugin buble) TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of null
node_modules/vivliostyle/lib/vivliostyle.min.js (undefined:undefined)
TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of null
at Node.transpile (/Users/shinyu/viv/vivliostyle-print/node_modules/buble/src/program/types/ForStatement.js:16:28)
at value.forEach.node (/Users/shinyu/viv/vivliostyle-print/node_modules/buble/src/program/Node.js:106:40)

@Johannes Wilm Could you check this error?
05:36 Johannes Wilm Ok. I also saw that error yesterday. I thought it was because somewhere it was not using an array. I'll have a look.
07:08 shinyu Added “build-debug” script that outputs “vivliostyle.min.js” with source map

This build mode is for debugging vivliostyle.js with projects such as vivliostyle-print and vivliostyle-savepdf.
07:19 Johannes Wilm ok, I made a "next" branch in which I switched to use babel instead of buble and it worked fine. Anyone using the package downstream with buble will have the same problem though, so it's probably best to try to debug this.
07:37 Johannes Wilm hmm, this is odd. I still get the error with buble and vivliostyle@next...
07:41 Johannes Wilm and also if I use a local vivliostyle.js built with "npm run build".
07:41 Johannes Wilm however, if I use a build that was created with "build-debug", it works fine.
09:12 Johannes Wilm @shinyu Should there not also be a "types"/"typings" entry in the package.json file of vivliostyle.js?
09:33 Johannes Wilm With a small fix and changing the target of vivliostyle to ES5, it is working. This is relevant as it explains why typescript projects don't export to esm yet:
By allowing multiple targets, transpilation speeds would be vastly improved for any project doing this already, as the AST only needs to be generated once.
09:46 shinyu @Johannes Wilm Thanks! You changed to "target": "ES5" in tsconfig.json and fix “TS2569: Type ‘NamedNodeMap’ is not an array type or a string type.“? Could you make pull req?
09:52 Johannes Wilm yes, I am trying right now to see if I can make multiple targets in vivliostyle.js work so that we can have one ES5 build and one ES2018.
09:52 Johannes Wilm ES5 is interesting also for modern browsers because it executes a lot faster
09:53 Johannes Wilm will make a PR when I have something
10:09 Johannes Wilm Ok, there is a PR now
10:10 Johannes Wilm It has been a while since I last looked at advantages/disadvantages of building old and new ES versions
10:11 Johannes Wilm things may have changed
10:35 shinyu Thanks. I tested “npm run build” and both “vivliostyle.min.js” and “vivliostyle-es5.min.js” generated.
Question: if “vivliostyle-es5.min.js” has advantage, is there reasons both are necessary?
10:38 Johannes Wilm well, long term the plan is for ES to move to esm. So I usually export both (es5 as "main" and "esm as "module"). But I don't really know whether there are any concrete advantages to using the ES2018 version.
10:39 Johannes Wilm maybe something we should ask someone else about?
10:41 shinyu @spring-raining your opinion?
10:43 Johannes Wilm to note: this only works with the vivliostyle-print branch: next. In that I made sure that it doesn't import the "module" version of vivliostyle.js and takes the "main" version instead.
10:48 spring-raining It is interesting that ES5 built is faster than ES2018 one. Do you know concrete example of output code between two?
10:50 spring-raining If it's true, we might make ES5 version as primal option.
11:00 Johannes Wilm
11:00 Johannes Wilm it looks like ES2015+ has improved in a lot of areas and is now just as quick for a lot of things, But there are also regressions.
11:04 Johannes Wilm if I read this chart correctly, there are probably situations where ES2015+ makes more sense. But we should remember that people use vivliostyle in all kinds of projects, and so they may be limited to ES5 for other reasons - not just IE11 - for example because other parts of their app works better/faster with ES5. So I don't think it is a good idea for everyone to only be able to make vivliostyle a dependency if they upgrade to ES2018.
11:21 Johannes Wilm vivliostyle-print also outputs both an esm and an es5 version
13:06 shinyu Ok, thanks. I merged the PR.
13:55 shinyu Now vivliostyle@next on npm includes both vivliostyle.min.js and vivliostyle-es5.min.js.

Vivliostyle viewer is now built with vivliostyle-es5.min.js. I tested it with IE11 (I think this is not important, but for test), and got error in IE11's console “Promise is undefined”.
I found that the dynamic import import("./layoututil").then(
is transpiled to Promise.resolve(/*! import() */).then(__webpack_require__.bind(null, /*! ./layoututil */ "./src/ts/vivliostyle/layoututil.ts")).then( and the Promise is not supported by IE11.
import("./layoututil").then(it => {
14:02 Johannes Wilm There is a solution for that.
14:03 Johannes Wilm I had a similar problem for another package recently.
14:05 Johannes Wilm See here
The rollup module bundler has a --format umd option to output a <
14:06 Johannes Wilm He managed to get dynamic imports compiled into the original using browserify.
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