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Connecting to the Load Balancer

shoenisch edited this page Apr 18, 2017 · 8 revisions

You can log in to Photon Controller by connecting to the load balancer. First, find the load balancer's IP address by running the following commands with the Photon command-line utility on your workstation:

photon deployment show

Connect to the IP address of the load balancer by appending Port 443:

photon target set https://<production_system_ip>:443

Logging In to Photon Controller

And then you can log in by using an account that you created in the Lightwave directory. Lightwave authenticates the user. Here's an example with a user named pc-admin:

photon target login --username pc-admin@example --password 'Your$ecret1!'

After you log in, check the system's status:

photon system status
Overall status: READY
Component          Status

As the status says, you're now ready to work with the system by creating tenants, quotas, and projects.

Connecting to the Web UI

You can also log into the web interface to view a range of information:


Here's what the web interface looks like after Photon Controller was installed but no resources have been created:

Photon Controller Web UI

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