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Tom Keffer edited this page Mar 19, 2017 · 3 revisions

Using weewx with a DavisSi1000 radio

You can use weewx with a 900MHz Davis ISS weather station, without using a Davis console, by using a 3DRobotics 900MHz telemetry radio, along with the DavisSi1000 radio firmware.

For general information on using an Si1000 wireless receiver, see this thread on

More details on where to get the radio and how to set it up is available in the DavisSi1000 github repository.

Installing the DavisSi1000 driver

The latest version of the DavisSi1000 driver is in the DavisSi1000 github repository.

Download the driver, and put it in your user subdirectory.

Then add the following new section to your weewx.conf file. It will tell weewx where to find your new driver, what port and baudrate to use, and what the orientation of your ISS is. Make sure you don't add the section in the middle of some other existing section.

    driver = user.Si1000
    port = /dev/ttyAMA0
    baudrate = 57600

    # adjust wind direction based on install orientation
    wind_dir_adjust = 180

Then tell weewx to use the new driver by changing the option station_type

    station_type = Si1000

Note: depending on your ISS orientation, you may have to change the wind_dir_adjust parameter.

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