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Moving the wview database

Tom Keffer edited this page Feb 14, 2024 · 2 revisions



The SQLite archive database (usually named wview-archive.sdb) used by the Linux weather software program wview, is completely compatible with WeeWX and can be used without change. All you need do is copy the file over and change its name.

Assuming that the wview database is in file /var/wview/archive/wview-archive.sdb (its usual place),

sudo systemctl stop weewx
mv weewx.sdb weewx.sdb.bak
cp /var/wview/archive/wview-archive.sdb weewx.sdb
sudo systemctl start weewx

where the variable SQLITE_ROOT is the directory where your WeeWX SQLite database is located (usually /home/weewx/archive or /var/lib/weewx).

Internally, within the weewx.sdb database, WeeWX also maintains a "daily summary" of all the statistics. This is done for performance reasons. The daily summary will be built automatically on the first startup. This could take a few minutes if the wview archive contains more than a month or two of data.

On my modest 500 MHz fit-PC Slim with 512 MB of memory it took a little over 4 minutes for a year and a half (25 MB) of data.


The MySQL archive database used by wview is "almost" compatible with WeeWX. The one difference is that in wview, the column interval is named arcInt (presumably because interval is a keyword in MySQL, although it can still be used by surrounding the word with backquotes).

To change the column name to what WeeWX uses, namely interval, use the utility mysql and issue the command:

mysql> ALTER TABLE your-wview-archive-name CHANGE arcInt `interval` INTEGER NOT NULL; 

where your-wview-archive-name is the name of your wview archive database. Note that the word interval is surrounded by backquotes.

Then in the [Databases] section of weewx.conf, replace the name of the database with whatever your installation of wview used (your-wview-archive-name in this example):

    database_type = MySQL
    database_name = your-wview-archive-name
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