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WeeWX v4 and logging

Tom Keffer edited this page Jan 28, 2024 · 29 revisions


WeeWX V3 uses Python's syslog module to log events. It has several disadvantages:

  • It works only under versions of *nix. No Windows.
  • It can log only to the system log.
  • It is inflexible in the formatting it uses.

WeeWX V4 and later use Python's logging package. It has several advantages:

  • It abstracts out logging destinations, formatting, and filtering, allowing all to be changed at runtime.
  • It has destinations that work on Windows.
  • It can support logging to email, sockets, and rotating files.

In short, it is a much more flexible facility. Plus, it's easy to use.

Although the logging module provides many more options and abilities than the syslog module, in its default configuration, WeeWX still sends log messages to the system logger so that the system will handle log file rotation, filtering of log messages, sending messages to remote log servers, etc.

This is a guide to how logging is implemented within WeeWX.

Configuring logging

The big advantage of the logging module is its ability to be extensively customized. By default, WeeWX makes sensible choices, but you may want to change them. This section is about how to do this.

First, read, or, at least, attempt to read, the section on the schema of the configuration dictionary that logging uses. It's dense and hard to follow, but it will eventually sink in.


With that in mind, here is the default configuration that WeeWX uses:

    version = 1
    disable_existing_loggers = False

    # Root logger
      level = {log_level}
      handlers = syslog,

    # Additional loggers would go in the following section. This is useful for 
    # tailoring logging for individual modules.

    # Definitions of possible logging destinations

        # System logger
            level = DEBUG
            formatter = standard
            class = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler
            address = {address}
            facility = {facility}

        # Log to console
            level = DEBUG
            formatter = verbose
            class = logging.StreamHandler
            # Alternate choice is 'ext://sys.stderr'
            stream = ext://sys.stdout

    # How to format log messages
            format = "%(levelname)s %(message)s"
            format = "{process_name}[%(process)d]: %(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s"
            format = "%(asctime)s {process_name}[%(process)d]: %(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s"
            # Format to use for dates and times:
            datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

This configures three different facilities:

  1. Loggers, which expose the interface that application code uses directly. Most importantly, it determines which handler(s) to use. Note that the root logger is in its own section.
  2. Handlers, which send the log records (created by loggers) to an appropriate destination. There are two handlers that are included in the default configuration: syslog and console.
  3. Formatters, which specify the layout of log records in the final output. A number of attributes are available to the formatter (such as %(levelname)s; see the documentation LogRecord attributes for a complete list).

The value for {log_level} depends on whether the debug option has been set. If it has not (the default), then log_level is INFO, otherwise, DEBUG.

The value for {process_name} is passed in when setting up the logging facility. For the WeeWX main program, it is weewxd.

Logging to rotating files

While WeeWX comes with two handlers (syslog and console) there are many others. See the Python documentation Logging handlers.

One handler that is particularly useful, especially on macOS, is the TimedRotatingFileHandler, which writes to a specified file. At a specified time, a new file is opened and 'rotated' into place. Here's how to specify and use it.

Simply add this to your weewx.conf file:


    # Root logger
      handlers = timed_rotate,                                  # NOTE 1

        # Log to a set of rotating files
        [[[timed_rotate]]]                                      # NOTE 2
            level = DEBUG
            formatter = verbose                                 # NOTE 3
            class = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler   # NOTE 4
            # File to log to:
            filename = /var/tmp/{process_name}.log              # NOTE 5
            # When to rotate:
            when = midnight                                     # NOTE 6
            # How many log files to save
            backupCount = 7                                     # NOTE 7
  1. This reconfigures the root logger to send log messages to the hander timed_rotate, instead of to the default syslog. The trailing comma is important: it tells Python that option handlers is a list, and not a single item. Because it is a list, you can actually specify multiple handlers. For example, to log to timed_rotate as well as the console, the option becomes:

     handlers = timed_rotate, console
  2. This is where we define the new handler. It will be named timed_rotate.

  3. The verbose formatter is useful when doing file rotations because it includes a timestamp.

  4. Handler timed_rotate will use class TimedRotatingFileHandler for the actual implementation.

  5. The option filename specifies the path to the rotating file. The variable {process_name} can be used, in which case the name of the process (usually weewxd) will be used. So, in this example, for the main program weewxd, logs will be sent to /var/tmp/weewxd.log. In WeeWX V5, filename can be a relative path, in which case it will be relative to WEEWX_ROOT. For example, specifying

     filename = log/{process_name}.log

    in Version 5 will cause the weewxd log to go to ~/weewx-data/log/weewxd.log.

  6. Do the rotation at midnight.

  7. Save seven (7) backup files, that is, a week's worth.

Customizing what gets logged

Another example. When the debug option is on, the default root logger will show DEBUG messages and above — basically everything. This is fine, but say you've decided that the weewx.restx module is too chatty for your liking. For it, you want to see only INFO messages and above — nothing else.

The solution is to tailor the logger used by the weewx.restx module, so it no longer inherits properties from the root logger. For this logger, we will specify that it logs only INFO and above. To do this, the [Logging] section in weewx.conf would look like:

      level = INFO

Another example. Suppose you are debugging the weewx.restx module. In this case it would be desirable to set its logging level to DEBUG while other loggers continue to log INFO or higher. Again, the solution is to customize the logger for the weewx.restx module. In this case, along with setting the logging level, we need to define a handler. Because the weewx.restx logger will handle the logging for the weewx.restx module, we will also want to turn propagate off. Otherwise INFO and higher messages will be logged twice: once by the weewx.restx logger and also by any parent handlers. Lastly, debug should be left at 0, so that the default root logging is INFO.

The configuration would look something like this.

debug = 0


      level = DEBUG
      handlers = syslog,
      propagate = 0

Disabling logging

This example essentially disables WeeWX logging completely, resulting in no log messages at all related to WeeWX other than those perhaps written by the operating system itself.

    version = 1
    disable_existing_loggers = True

    # Root logger
      level = CRITICAL

For developers

What follows is intended for developers who are extending WeeWX.

In modules

It's very easy to use logging from within a module, such as a new service, search list extension, etc. At the top of your code, include

import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Then whenever you want to log an event, simply call one of

log.debug("This is a debug message")"This is an informational message")
log.warning("This is a warning message")
log.error("This is an error message")
log.critical("This is a critical message")

That's it.

Throttling logging events

The Python logging module makes it very easy to temporarily reduce the number of uninteresting messages going into a log.

Say you're about to call a function which will insert hundreds of records into the database using the addRecord() method of the Manager class. This method logs an INFO event for every insertion, resulting in hundreds of not-terribly-interesting entries. You'd like to temporarily avoid this. Here's how:

import logging

# Temporarily disable logging for events at or below INFO


# Remove the temporary restriction

See the Python docs for more details about logging.disable().

Maintaining backwards compatibility

If you are an extension writer, you will want to support not only the new style logging, but also the old syslog style. Here's how you can do it.

    # Test for new-style weewx logging by trying to import weeutil.logger
    import weeutil.logger
    import logging
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def logdbg(msg):

    def loginf(msg):

    def logerr(msg):

except ImportError:
    # Old-style weewx logging
    import syslog

    def logmsg(level, msg):
        # Replace '__name__' with something to identify your application.
        syslog.syslog(level, '__name__: %s:' % msg)

    def logdbg(msg):
        logmsg(syslog.LOG_DEBUG, msg)

    def loginf(msg):
        logmsg(syslog.LOG_INFO, msg)

    def logerr(msg):
        logmsg(syslog.LOG_ERR, msg)

Now you can just use the functions logdbg(), loginf(), and logerr() in your code, secure in the knowledge that it will work under WeeWX V3, as well as V4 and V5.

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