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Wesley Haws edited this page Jan 2, 2017 · 12 revisions

####This is a wiki that will help you setup and use all of the code located here in this github repository. If nothing else it will give you great ideas on how you might be able to implement this for yourself.

Please note that this wiki documentation is not done and is currently a work in progress.


Before using any prefabs make sure that all the scripts are in your project describe below otherwise manual moving of all of these scripts will be required.

This will show you how to setup a fully functional player. The player will be able to do many things such as parkour, inventory management, etc. Simply follow the documentation to get a player setup.


This requires RAIN AI to be setup. Copy everything contained in the AI folder into the AI > Behavior Trees folder in your project.

This will discuss how to setup an NPC with the correct scripts, animator tree, rain ai behavior trees etc. When complete you should have a fully functional NPC that will react to a player.

###Patch System

This is optional code. If you want to have a patching system example keep this code otherwise remove it from your project.

This will cover the API that you can use to setup a patching system for you unity game. Everything is written in C#. It will display code examples and how you can use it. This is setup in the same way that the Unity Documentation is setup with links on the api code.


Make a folder called "Scripts" and copy all of the scripts in this repo to it prior to moving the prefabs over. Otherwise many of the links will break.

This will tell you how to setup certain scripts, what/who they're used for, and what the scripts are designed to do. Simply find the script name that you want to learn how to use on the side bar and click the link to be taken to the documentation. If it isn't on the side bar then documentation hasn't been made for it yet.... sorry.

Clone this wiki locally