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Wesley Haws edited this page Jan 1, 2017 · 2 revisions

##Scripts - Mouse Look

###What does this do?

This controls the camera based on controller or mouse movement.

###Who/What is this for?

This allows a player to control their camera/player, depending on where it's placed. This is used in 2 different ways in my setup. One for the root gameobject to move in the X direction and one for the camera to move in the Y direction. I never use move X and Y.


Example Setup:

Example Setup

Parameter Type Description
Axes Selector What axes will this work on. X = Left Right Movement, Y = Up down movement
Sensitivity X int How sensitive mouse/controller movement will be on this axis.
Sensitivity Y int How sensitive mouse/controller movement will be on this axis.
Minimum X int How far in the X direction the player is allowed to look.
Maximum X int How far in the Y direction the player is allowed to look.
Minimum Y int How far in the Y direction the player is allowed to look.
Maximum Y int How far in the Y direction the player is allowed to look.
Enable bool Whether this will work or not. Should always be ticked unless testing.
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