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Wesley Haws edited this page Jan 1, 2017 · 2 revisions

###Scripts - Breathing Controller

###What does this do?

This will play breathing sounds whenever the player is sprinting. It will also play a transition sound as well. Finally, it plays an effort sound when performing parkour events.

###Who/What is this for?

This use used for a player only. It just gives a bit more life to your character.


Example Setup:

Breathing Controller Setup Example

Parameter Type Description
Sprint Breathing Delay float How many seconds to wait after sprinting before starting the heavy breathing sounds.
Transition Time float How many seconds to wait between breathing sounds.
Hard Breathing AudioClip List List of heavy breathing sounds to randomly play.
Hard To Calm Breathing AudioClip List List to randomly choose and play a final breathing sound when stopped sprinting.
Effort AudioClip List List to randomly choose and play an effort breathing sound when parkouring.
Audio Source AudioSource The sound source to play these breathing sounds.
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