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Wesley Haws edited this page Jan 1, 2017 · 2 revisions

##Scripts - UISounds

###What does this do?

Plays sounds when mouse clicks, hovers, or exit UI elements.

###Who/What is this for?

This is for the GUI Object only.


Parameter Type Description
Sound Controller AudioSource The AudioSource to play all of these sounds.
Mouse Enter AudioClip When mouse hovers over UI object play this sound.
Mouse Exit AudioClip When mouse stops hover/leaves UI object play this sound.
Mouse Click 1 AudioClip When the mouse clicks on UI Object play this sound.
Mouse Click 2 AudioClip When the mouse clicks on UI Object play this sound.
Mouse Click 3 AudioClip When the mouse clicks on UI Object play this sound.
Lock Click 1 AudioClip Puzzle button sound effect.
Lock Click 2 AudioClip Puzzle button sound effect.
Lock Click 3 AudioClip Puzzle button sound effect.
Puzzle Enter AudioClip When mouse hovers over puzzle UI play this sound.
Puzzle Exit AudioClip When mouse leaves puzzle UI Object play this sound.
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