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Wesley Haws edited this page Apr 22, 2017 · 4 revisions

Player Weapon System Overview & Setup

This system is used to allow you to customize weapons to you're needs. It contains the following capabilities:

  • Gun Manager
    • Weapon Switching, Dropping, Pickup
    • Allowed weapons list
  • Weapon Item
  • Weapon
    • Customizable Aimer/Scope
    • Customizable spray range/amount
    • Accuracy/Inaccuracy
    • Fire type (Single, Machine Gun, Shotgun)
    • Decals/Visuals
    • Sound effects (Equip, Drop, Fire, Switch, etc.)
    • More...

Weapon System Setup

In order to get running with this system you will need to have access to the following scripts:

  • WeaponManagerNew
  • WeaponNew
  • WeaponItem

Player Setup

Setup you're player hierarchy like the following:

  • Weapons (Empty Game Object to contain weapon system scripts and setup)
  • Weapon Camera
  • Weapon Manager (Child Objects are weapon items)
  • No Weapon (REQUIRED, this is where your empty running hands animation would be)
  • BrowningPistol (Example. This is a weapon I made this will be different for everyone - Contains WeaponNew script).

GUI Setup

In your GUI Object add an empty gameobject that will contain all of your GUI elements for the weapon system like the following:

Now that your hierarchies are setup read more about the specifics of how to use each of the scripts.

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