Find simple workflows for productivity, efficiency, and collaboration.
The morning question, | 5 | Rise, wash, and address | *Powerful Goodness*; What good shall I do | 6 | contrive day's business and take the this day? | 7 | resolution of the day; prosecute the | present study; and breakfast. | 8 - | 9 | Work. | 10 | | 11 | | 12 - | 1 | Read or overlook my accounts, and | dine. | 2 - | 3 | Work. | 4 | | 5 | | 6 - | 7 | Put things in their places, | supper, music, | 8 | or diversion, or conversation; Evening question, | 9 | examination of the day. What good have I done | 10 - today? | 11 | | 12 | | 1 | Sleep. | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | -- Benjamin Franklin
- Find simple workflows for productivity, efficiency, and collaboration
- Develop methods to retain and analyze relevant information
- Develop heuristics to identify tasks and sub-tasks
- [ ] Document optimal workflows
- [ ] Document productivity tools and their productive use
- [x] Create
(see: current headings) - [ ] Develop file metadata strategies: (folders, names, tagging, labeling)
- [x] Synthesize existing labeling strategies
- [ ] Define and describe resources: skills, time, tools, tasks
- [ ] Define and describe outputs: artifacts, products, deliverables
- [ ] R&D: integrate workflow information flows
- Tasks, Lists, Labels, Services, Tools (pyrtm-task-cli, taskw <TaskWarrior>)
- Logs: Usrlog, workhours, elasticsearch, kibana
See: Best Practices > Develop Projects with Requirements Traceability
- Daily Google Tasks list
- Daily: Uncheck list box(es), update date
- Google Calendar events (and reminders)
- ReadTheMilk tasks
- Repeating Google Calendar events (and reminders)
- Repeating ReadTheMilk tasks
- While you were out stickies
- Email Labels:
- Email Labels:
- Recurring daily tasks
* Google Calendar Event Reminders - When a task is completed,
ATX Headings (Markdown,):
# h1 ## h2 ### h3
Setext Headings (document-local ordering) (ReStructuredText, Markdown)
##### part ##### chapter ******** section ======== subsection ----------- subsection ^^^^^^^^^^^ paragraph """"""""""
- Path: relative (
) - Path: absolute (
) - File extension (
) - Filesystem attributes (
) - MIME-type (
file --mime
) - Byte-order-marker (
file --mime
) - Line endings (DOS, UNIX) (
Ctrl-V Ctrl-M
) - Shebang line (
,#!/usr/bin/env python
) - Creation time (
) - Modification time (
) - Local undo/backup cache path
- Text File Attributes
- path: relative_to_repo_path
- repo_revid
- repo_branch
- repo_path
- repo_remote_URL(s)=``[{'name':'origin', 'url':'ssh://'}]``
- repo_log(paths) history log
- repo_log(paths) history log across renames
Comment tags:
hg grep 'TODO|FIXME|XXX'
git grep 'TODO|FIXME|XXX'
Also referred to as a diff.
When an author has modified a file in a repository, there is a difference (in terms of text lines and/or bytes changed) between their local revision and the repository revision they started with. That's called a 'diff' or a 'patch'.
To share those changes, an author must submit a patch to a repository maintainer, who is responsible for applying or not applying the changes to a branch of a repository.
The patch review feedback cycle -- classically over NNTP or SMTP (email) -- can produce lots of text: both revisions to the patch and an asynchronous stream of emails and IRC messages.
[ ] Patch header
ENH: Add sphinx Makefile and (#3) Add a new feature called XYZ, which modifies components X, Y, and Z in order to provide new functionality (ENH) indicated by new tests (TST).
- [ ] Code labels in subject line:
ENH: Add sphinx Makefile and
- [ ] Issues number in subject line:
- [ ] Issues link in commit message:
- [ ] Patch header description (complete commit message)
- [ ] Code labels in subject line:
- [ ] Patch
- [ ]
-style diffs
- [ ]
- Send patch(es) as an email attachment ("a patch bomb")
- DOC: write a Patch header for a new BUG,TST,ENH
- DOC: prepend Code Labels to first line of patch header (commit message)
TST,BLD,CLN: code and test an ENHancement or fix a BUG
- DOC: write a commit message
- (.sent, .code) Open Loop: wait for feedback (add email label)
- (pending) respond, revise, respond (add email labels)
- (pending) correlate manual line references in feedback emails with the correct revision of the patch
- (pending|accepted|rejected) review constructive feedback
- (closed,done) Reach 'done'; update TODO system
- Receive patch(es) as an email attachment
- (.unread) Open Loop: they're waiting for feedback
- (.read) read, review, revise, respond: email, editor
- (.tested) Test: run existing or documentation tests
- (pending) Respond: [Email] Feedback
- (pending|accepted|rejected) Evauluate: Apply or do not apply
- (accepted) Update release log (Desire Code Labels)
- (released) Release: issue a version identifier with merged patch
- (closed,done) Reach 'done'; update TODO system
An issue records attributes of, notes regarding, and progress towards a finite request, report, or work item.
Issues are often also referred to as tickets, issues, cards, and bugtracking.
Agile methodologies for working with issues:
- -- Kanban board of GitHub Issues
in progress
- -- Kanban/Scrum issues with code labels
- a title
- a description
- comments
- metadata
- title
- body
- user
- assignee
- state:
- open
- closed
- milestone (configurable)
- labels: (configurable)
- bug
- duplicate
- enhancement
- help wanted
- invalid
- question
- wontfix
- title (Title)
- content (Description)
- reported_by
- assignee
- follower_count
- status:
- new
- open
- resolved
- on hold
- invalid
- duplicate
- wontfix
- kind:
- bug
- enhancement
- proposal
- task
- priority:
- trivial
- minor
- major
- critical
- blocker
- component (configurable)
- milestone (configurable)
- version (configurable)
(configurable templates)
- Summary
- Description
- Reporter
- Attachments
- Status: (configurable)
- Open: (configurable)
- New
- Accepted
- Started
- MoreINFOneeded
- NeedsTesting
- Completed
- PassedTesting
- Closed: (configurable)
- Fixed
- Verified
- Invalid
- Duplicate
- WontFix
- Done
- Open: (configurable)
- Owner
- Cc
- Labels: (configurable)
- OpSys-*
- Milestone-Release*
- Component-*
- Security
- Performance
- Usability
- Maintainability
Projects hosted with GitHub and BitBucket generally support accepting, reviewing, and merging changes as pull requests; which, like regular patches people used to send over the email, are hunks of differences between one or more files.
Unlike a patch archived in a mailing list, pull requests have a free-form comment stream and line-based commenting -- features which simplify the change review and evaluation feedback loop.
Branch/fork, update, commit
Compare, test (review diff)
DOC: Prepend Code Labels to first line of patch header (commit message)
Send a pull request
- Email: Send a URL to the branch to pull from (tags:
) - GitHub: Click 'Send Pull Request'
- BitBucket: Click 'Send Pull Request'
- Email: Send a URL to the branch to pull from (tags:
Open Loop:
for feedback
Open Loop: they're waiting for feedback
Read, ReviewTest*, Respond
Check whether the tests pass with the pull request applied
Apply or do not apply
- Do Not Apply
- Send feedback: not interested, needs work
- Apply
- Update release log (See: #code-labels)
- Commit
- Push
- Do Not Apply
- Mnemonics
- String around one's finger
- Note on one's hand
- Cognitive representation (mental picture) of a list
- Graph with edges that have magnitude
- [ ] 6-Ws: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How
- [ ] What: Project
- [ ] When: Date recorded
- [ ] Where: Location recorded
- [ ] When: Date of task/event milestone
- [ ] Where: Location for task/event milestone
- [ ] What,Why,How: Description
Just pick up a sheet of paper, write something down, and hand it to me.
- Classic, ubiquitous
- Visual
- Battery-free
Ask ____ to ask _____ to have that sent over to _________.
Collaboration strategy:
- Backup: manual replication: scanner, copier, keyboard
- Sharing: who has which version of this sheet of paper?
- Synchrony: Correlating list status
- When: things were added/update/renamed/completed
- When,Why: Assigning and sorting by priority
Chronological sequence of events
Visual grid of day, week, month, quarter, year
Weekly views: M-Su
, Su-Sa
Action items to accomplish within a given context
- [ ] create a list of items to accomplish
- [ ] show completion with
checkmarks - [ ] show completion with strikethrough (crossing things off)
Pocket-sized notebook sheet of paper
see: pyrtm-task-cli
Typed plaintext. Usually with some form of lightweight markup for lists, nested lists, bold, italic, [underline, strikethrough].
Stored with:
- Paper
- Filesystem
- VCS Repository (git, hg)
- Simple
- Great with a keyboard, syntax highlighting, and syntax checking
- Synchronicity: keeping everyone on the same revision of the page
- Mobile Interface: no
- Picking a syntax (try pandoc while deciding)
- Lightweight markup language syntax learning curve
ReStructuredText, Markdown, [MediaWiki, BBCode, Textile]:
* one * two * three - red - green - blue
* [x] one **bold** * [ ] two *italic* * [x] - [ ] two.two \* two * [ ] ``three``
* [x] one **bold** * [ ] two *italic* * [x] * [ ] two.two \* two * [ ] ``three`` (also `three`)
Web applications and web service systems designed to track task state for one or more people moving toward achieving objectives that satisfy the goals.
There is a spectrum between "we'll remember which checkboxes for you" and "this task is part of a project supported by these people in these roles with these permissions."
- Web Interface: yes/link/no/date
- Mobile Interface: yes/link/no/date
- iOS App: yes/link/no/date
- Android App: yes/link/no/date
- BlackBerry App: yes/link/no/date
- WinMo App: yes/link/no/date
- API: yes/link/no
- XML: yes/link/no
- JSON: yes/link/no
- Sharing/Internal: yes/link/no
- Sharing/External: yes/link/no
- Integrates with Google Calendar: yes/link/no
- Integrates with Gmail: yes/link/no
- Integrates with Twitter: yes/link/no
- Integrates with Evernote: yes/link/no
- Integrates with GitHub: yes/link/no
- Cost/Free: yes/link/no
- Cost/Paid: yes/link/no
- Reminders/Pop-up: yes/link/no
- Reminders/Email: yes/link/no
- Tagging: yes/no
- Web Interface:
- Mobile Interface:
- iOS App: yes
- Android App: yes
- BlackBerry App: no (EOL 2012)
- API:
- JSON: yes
- XML: yes
- Web Interface:
- Mobile Interface:
- iOS App: yes
- Android App: yes
- BlackBerry App: yes
- API:
- XML: yes
- JSON: yes
- Integrates with Google Calendar: yes
- Integrates with Gmail: yes
- Integrates with Twitter: yes
- Integrates with Evernote: yes
- Tagging: yes (see: Task Labels, Project Labels, Context Labels)
- Integrates with Google Calendar:
- Web Interface:
- Mobile Interface:
- API:
- JSON: yes
- Tagging: no
- Checkbox sticky notes
- Web Interface:
- Mobile Interface: yes
- API: no
- Sharing/Internal: yes
- Sharing/External: no
- Tagging: colors, labels
A wiki is a set of documents and attachments that can be edited through the web, usually with some form of Lightweight Markup Language and WikiText linking extensions.
- GitHub Wiki (Markdown, ReStructuredText)
- BitBucket Wiki (Markdown)
- Trac Wiki (Trac Wiki, ReStructuredText)
- (MoinMoin)
- Wikipedia (Mediawiki)
Wikis are good for:
- Links Pages, Outlines
- Roadmaps, Todo lists
- Pandoc converts (sometimes lossily) between many wiki markup syntaxes
These .rst
ReStructuredText files are maintained with a .rest
extension to make it possible to edit these pages as both
a GitHub wiki and
a normal Sphinx git repository
manually published to a gh-pages
- "What advantages/disadvantages are there to having both a wiki view and a Sphinx view?" #5
Email relay application server ("listserv")
- Hosting: Self-hosted
- Cost: Free
- Language: Python
- Mailman 3 Web UI: Postorious (Django)
- Tagging: no
- Lightweight Markup Languages: no
- Editing: no
- Hosting: Cloud
- Cost: Free
- Tagging: no
- Lightweight Markup Languages: no
- Editing: no
- [ ] Code Repository
- [ ] Mailing List and/or Forums
- [ ] Wikis
- [ ] Downloads
- [ ] Issue Tracking
- SourceForge
- GNU Savannah
- LaunchPad
- GitHub
- Bitbucket
- Free public Git repositories
- Web Interface:
- Mobile Interface:
- API:
- API note: most recent 1000 events
- XML: no
- JSON: yes
- Tagging: yes (issue labels: see Code Labels)
- Language: Ruby
GitHub renders the first README {.md, .rst, .txt, } it finds.
GitHub ReStructuredText does not support Sphinx ReStructuredText.
Ways to work with tasks and GitHub:
[ ] Store a README, HISTORY, ROADMAP, TODO, etc. file in a repo {.md, .rst, .txt}
1. [ ] mkdir tasks && cd tasks 2. [ ] git init 3. [ ] echo "Tasks list" >> 4. [ ] git diff 5. [ ] git add 6. [ ] git diff --cached 7. [ ] git commit -m "DOC: Create tasks list" 8. [ ] git remote add origin ssh://<username>/<reponame> 9. [ ] Create a new github project named <reponame> 10. [ ] git push origin master
- Learn to git pull, diff, patch, merge, stash, push, and send pull requests
(with a terminal interface)
- hub --
a wrapper script for git that can be aliased with
alias git=hub
- gitflow --
git flow <command>
branching workflow automation commands. - hubflow --
git hf <command>
branching workflow automation commands by extending gitflow. - see:
- hub --
a wrapper script for git that can be aliased with
- Learn to git pull, diff, patch, merge, stash, push, and send pull requests
(with a terminal interface)
[ ] Create a GitHub Issue with a title and a description (Markdown) {.md}
1. [ ] Open the GitHub url in the browser 2. [ ] Click 'Issues' 3. [ ] Click 'New Issue' 4. [ ] Add a description "ENH: New Feature" 5. [ ] Also select corresponding `<#code-labels>`__
Collaborators add labels, a milestone, and an assignee to the issue
Link to issues with
in commit messages, issues, and wikisClose the issue when it is done or not going to be done
Close a GitHub issue with the web interface 'Close' button
Close a GitHub issue with text in a commit message or pull request description:
ENH: add new feature (closes: #01 #02) BUG: fix bug (fixes: #03)
[ ] Create a GitHub Issue with a GitHub Markdown Task List (Markdown) {.md}:
* [ ] Add list items with checkboxes (``- [x] Task three``)
- [x] one --bold--
- [ ] two -italic- - [x] - [ ] two.two - two
- [ ]
(also three)
- [ ] Check off each checkbox to complete the issue
[ ] Create a GitHub Wiki page w/ title and text (Markdown, ReST) {.md, .rest}
- [ ] Create a Roadmap page with a sprint/release plan of issue number/links
Publish Task Reports into a repository as HTML served by GitHub Pages
- Create a Sphinx ReStructuredText
- Render the ReStructuredText into HTML with
sphinx-build -b html
- Host
in thegh-pages
branch- e.g. with
- Consider building and hosting Sphinx ReStructuredText documentation with ReadTheDocs
- Create a Sphinx ReStructuredText
- Free public and private hg and git repositories
- Web Interface:
- Mobile Interface: Third Party
- Integration with Jira: Yes
- Integration with Crucible: yes
- API:
- API note:
- XML: yes
- JSON: yes
- YAML: yes
- Tagging: yes (issue labels: see Code Labels)
- Language: Python
[ ] Store a README, HISTORY, ROADMAP, TODO, etc. file in a repo {.md, .rst, .txt}
1. [ ] mkdir tasks && cd tasks 2. [ ] hg init 3. [ ] echo "Tasks list" >> 4. [ ] hg add 5. [ ] hg diff 6. [ ] hg commit -m "DOC: Create tasks list" 7. [ ] Add "bb = ssh://${USERNAME}/${REPONAME}" to ``[paths]`` in ./.hgrc 8. [ ] Create a new bitbucket repository named REPONAME 8. [ ] hg push bb
- Learn to hg pull, diff, patch, merge, shelve, push, and send pull requests
- mq -- a mercurial extension for working with Mercurial Patch Queues
- tortoisehg -- an excellent VCS gui for Mercurial (and git, with hg-git)
- Learn to hg pull, diff, patch, merge, shelve, push, and send pull requests
[ ] Create a BitBucket Issue with a title and a description (Markdown) {.md}
1. [ ] Open the BitBucket url in the browser 2. [ ] Click 'Issues' 3. [ ] Click 'Create Issue' 4. [ ] Add a description "ENH: New Feature" 5. [ ] Also select corresponding `<#code-labels>`__
[ ] Apply kind and priority values to the issue with the web interface
[ ] Collaborators may assign an issue to a specific user
[ ] Link to issues with
in commit messages, issues, and wikis[ ] Close the issue when it is done or not going to be done
Close a BitBucket issue with the 'Resolve' button
Close a BitBucket issue with text in a patch header (a commit message or pull request description):
ENH: add new feature (closes: #01 #02) BUG: fix bug (fixes: #03)
[ ] Create Pull Request Tasks:
- Text files
- First-line file naming
- PDA memos
Personal labeling syntax
lower case
-next a next action ( seeAlso: code: ready ) -waiting a task that is blocked -someday an opportunity for a later date
.random an unfiled note to self .d degrees .d.<name> degree course/project/team .bills bills .career career .civic civic .health health .diet diet .exercise exercise .relax relax .ride transportation .<projectname> project .dotfiles dotfiles project
@home at home @travel when traveling @campus at school @class in class ( see: .d.<course> ) @work at work @phone at the phone @pc at a computer @online at a computer with internet @email checking email @forum reading forums @read having time for reading @food buying food @list general shopping list
.tasks tasks, action items .tasks/.daily repeating daily tasks .tasks/.done completed tasks b. b./b.ills b./ b./b.svc b./ c.ode GitHub, BitBucket, SourceForge, Savannah (list: circle:#me) d. degrees ( seeAlso: .d ) d./d.<name> degree course/project/team ( seeAlso: .d.<course> ) d./o.<org> academic organizations p. people / humans p./ job offers, applications p./p.fam family and friends p./p.self from:me AND to:me p./p.sweb social web l. mailing lists l./ art things l./ business l./ music, concerts l./ Python ( l./l.semweb semantic web o.<orgname> organization wd. wd.<project> web development @travel
Code labels are three-letter codes with which commit messages can be prefixed.
CODE Label color name background text ---- -------------- --------------- ---------- ------- BLD: build light green #bfe5bf #2a332a BUG: bug red #fc2929 #ffffff (github default) CLN: cleanup light yellow #fef2c0 #333026 DOC: documentation light blue #c7def8 #282d33 ENH: enhancement blue #84b6eb #1c2733 (github default) PRF: performance deep purple #5319e7 #ffffff REF: refactor dark green #009800 #ffffff RLS: release dark blue #0052cc #ffffff SEC: security orange #eb6420 #ffffff TST: test light purple #d4c5f9 #2b2833 UBY: usability light pink #f7c6c7 #332829 DAT: data SCH: schema # Workflow Labels (e.g. for kanban board columns) ready dark sea green #006b75 #ffffff in progress yellow #fbca04 #332900 # GitHub Labels duplicate darker gray #cccccc #333333 (github default) help wanted green #159818 #ffffff (github default) invalid light gray #e6e6e6 #333333 (github default) question fuschia #cc317c #ffffff (github default) wontfix white #ffffff #333333 (github default) Note: All of these color codes (except for fuschia) are drawn from the default GitHub palette. Note: There are 18 labels listed here.
For examples with color swatches in alphabetical order, see
ENH: Add new feature (#1) BUG: Fixes #3 DOC: index.rst: Add readme.rst TST: Extend tests for #1 BLD,CLN: Makefile: remove extra newlines
COMMA,DELIMITED, SET: of prefix labels
- Three-characters, if possible
Code labels are helpful for:
- working with issue tracking tagging and labeling systems
- aggregating changes into release logs (
) - correlating changes with requirements ( [`Requirements Traceability`_]
-- adapted from pandas/
A python CLI for working with tasks and pyrtm RememberTheMilk API.
Query/rename tasks in Python and generate a printable, templated, minimal HTML Hipster PDA notebook-sized sheet of paper of a list of tasks at one point in time.
Aggregate streams of event tuples generated by various activity streams
(bookmarks, existing browser history, -usrlog
TaskWarrior is a task management tool written in C with lots of plugins written in other languages.
TaskWarrior comes with an awesome commandline interface for adding, updating, and reporting on tasks, their statuses, and their priorities.
There are plugins to host and synchronize TaskWarrior task databases (with TaskWarrior JSON:
.. index:: Usrlog
> usrlog logs the most recent userspace
> interactive shell commandline CLI command to $_USRLOG
> after the shell command completes,
> with :ref:`Bash` PROMPT_COMMAND
> and :ref:`ZSH` precmd_functions
(see: `Caveats`_).
source "${__DOTFILES}/scripts/"
echo "${_USRLOG}"
echo "${_TERM_ID}"
# Parse with sed and grep
usrlog_grep "sudo" | _usrlog_parse_commands
ug "sudo" | ugp
# Parse into records and fields, select the commands, and grep -u --cmds | grep "sudo"
.. index:: Best Practices
- [ ] Generate a new project with templated packaging and documentation
- [ ] When you create a new GitHub / GitLab project,
- [ ] Create Issue #1. You could call it
and leave it blank for now. - [ ] Write a Roadmap wiki entry with links to Release Plans
and/or issue milestones
( /
)- Roadmap wiki page:
- [ ] Create a milestone and an issue for it
- [ ] Milestone:
- [ ] Milestone Issue:
- #17 "Milestone 1"
- [ ] Link to the milestone issues URLs
- [ ] Add the Deadline:/Ends: and/or Completed: date
- [ ] Add a link to the release tag
- #17 "Milestone 1"
- [ ] Add a link from Issue #1 to the Milestone Issue
- [ ] Create Issue #1. You could call it
[ ] Prefix commit messages with Code Labels:
TST: Create order placing tests DOC: Add order placing documentation BLD: Update the build configuration
[ ] Write Features and User Stories as issues prefixed with
:STORY: Users can place orders ENH: app/orders: Show the cart item count in the header
Create traceable edges between things by adding links.
[ ] Link between Issues, Commits, Pull Requests, and other docs by referencing an issue number in a title, description, or comment:
TST: Create order placing tests (#123) TST: Create order placing tests (projname#123) TST: Create order placing tests (orgname/projname#123) DOC: Add order placing documentation (for #123) CLN: Cleanup syntax for style guide (#5678)
[ ] Link between Issues, Commits, Pull Requests, and Release Logs by referencing a full URL with no anchor text and optional trailing title or description:
:ref:`GitFlow` and :ref:`HubFlow` are workflow and branch management systems for :ref:`Git` and GitHub which specify and implement branch naming conventions and merge patterns which can minimize the need to teach new collaborators how we prefer to do branches around here.
Sometimes GitFlow and HubFlow do fail though, so it's good to understand which git commands they're running for you so that:
only has stable releases that are cleanly merged in from a named release branch (release/0.1.0
) which is a branch ofdevelop
branches (hotfix/CVE-2001-fix-urgent-bug
) are merged tomaster
as new releases and also intodevelop
- feature branches (
) branch fromdevelop
; and are always expected togit rebase -i develop
before a Pull Request can be considered for merging
- [ ] Run tests before releasing
- [ ] Run tests before merging (e.g. Pull Request Webhooks)
- [ ] Run tests after merging. (e.g. HubFlow
branch structure) - [ ] Run tests before committing (while coding)
- [ ] Run tests when committing (with [required/local/central] repo event scripts such as pre-commit hooks)
- [ ] Write Tests First.
- [ ] Utilize Git HubFlow for managing project repository branches:
- [ ] Release semantic versions ( tagged as
)- Semver 3.0 (Python PEP 440 versiontag-compatible):
- PEP 440: "Version Identification and Dependency Specification"
- bumpversion
- Semver 3.0 (Python PEP 440 versiontag-compatible):
[ ] Include useful data (like version, revision, platform) in package filenames (and/or also create a JSON-LD metadata manifest):
Conda selectors: {
} (Python Build Reasonableness)