swagger-ui schema auto generation and base on swagger-autogen.
This is a Node.js module available through the npm.
$ npm install --save swagger-schemagen
It is loaded using the require() function:
const swaggerSchema = require('swagger-schemagen')
If you already have the module installed and want to update to the latest version, use the command:
$ npm install --save swagger-schemagen@last
Function signature:
const swaggerSchema: (outputFile: <string>, schemaFolder: <Array of string>) => Promise <any>
outputFile: (Required*). Output file. It will be the file generated by the module containing the documentation in the format identified by Swagger.
schemaFolder: (Required*). This Folder is saving all of schema json file, and the parameter's type for mssql will update in Swagger file.
The code below must be inserted in a separate file, for example: swagger.js. For example:
File: swagger.js
const doc = {
info: {
title: "Example API Document",
description: "Description"
host: null,
schemes: ['http'],
tags: alltags
const outputFile = './src/swagger/swagger-output.json'
const endpointsFiles = ['./index.js']
const swaggerschema = require('./src/lib/swaggerschema')
const schematest = require('swagger-schemagen')
const asyncfun = async (outputFile, endpointsFiles, doc, schemaFolder) => {
await swaggerAutogen(outputFile, endpointsFiles, doc)
await schematest(outputFile, schemaFolder)
const schemaFolder = './src/schema/'
asyncfun(outputFile, endpointsFiles, doc, schemaFolder)
Json file in schema folder
{ "attr": "vid", "type": "Int" },
{ "attr": "currenttime", "type": "Float" },
{ "attr": "nid", "type": "Int" },
{ "attr": "title", "type": "NVarChar" },
{ "attr": "content", "type": "NVarChar" }
Swagger schema json file and swagger tag should be give in same name!!!
Like your router's swagger tag is 'Note', and your schema name should be 'Note.json'.
controller -> Note.js:
router.delete('/note', async (req, res, next) => {
// #swagger.tags = ['Note']
// #swagger.summary = '刪除單個筆記'
const { nid } = req.body // declare parameter's in body
sqlcode = "update Note set bDel = 1 where NID = @nid and OwnerMID = @mid";
let response = await runSQL(sqlcode, req, schema);
res.json(response ? { message: "success" } : { message: "failed" });
router.put('/note/title', async (req, res, next) => {
// #swagger.tags = ['Note']
// #swagger.summary = '編輯筆記標題'
const { nid, title } = req.body // declare parameter's in body
sqlcode = "update Note set Title = @title, LastModifiedDT = getdate() where NID = @nid and OwnerMID = @mid";
let response = await runSQL(sqlcode, req, schema);
res.json(response ? { message: "success" } : { message: "failed" });