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Warp permissions

xZise edited this page Feb 16, 2012 · 6 revisions

All these permissions are about to handling warps.

Info: General information about Permissions.

Permissions nodes


If using Permissions a user need a set of permissions to warp himself/somebody.

  • A permission to warp to this specific warp. This will be done by a… or… permission.
  • A permission to warp within/to the world of the warp. Read the section “Warp into/within worlds”. To warp within the same world the user need<world> and into another world<world>.

If one of both permissions isn't granted it will say, that the user hasn't the permission to use the warp.

Warping via chat/console

  • – Allows the player to warp to his own warps.
  • – Allows the player to warp to warps where the player is invited.
  • – Allows the player to warp to public warps of others.
  • – Allows the player to warp to global warps.

Warping via signs

  • – Allows to use the warp signs which points to his own warps.
  • – Allows the player to use warp signs to warp to invited warps.
  • – Allows the player to warp to public warps of others via warp signs.
  • – Allows to warp to global warps via warp signs.

Warp into/within worlds

It is possible to limit into/within which worlds the player could warp:

  •<world> – Allows the player to warp into the given world.
  •<world> – Allows the player to warp within the given world.


To allow the players to warp within all worlds simply set the permission to*. To allow the player only to warp into the world named “foo” the player has to be the permission

Creating a warp

  • xwarp.warp.create.private – Allows the player to create private warps or make his warps private.
  • xwarp.warp.create.public – Allows the player to create public warps or make his warps public.
  • – Allows the player to create global warps or make his warps global.

Create/Place warp signs

The player need one of following permissions to place a warp sign. Note that these permissions won't allow to create a new warp.

  • xwarp.warp.sign.create.private – To a private warp
  • xwarp.warp.sign.create.public – To a public warp
  • – To a global warp
  • xwarp.warp.sign.create.unknown – To a warp which doesn't exists

Edit permissions

These permissions are allowing the user to edit specific properties of a warp.

  • xwarp.warp.edit.delete – To delete own warps.
  • xwarp.warp.edit.invite.add – To invite to own warps.
  • xwarp.warp.edit.invite.delete – To uninvite from own warps.
  • xwarp.warp.edit.message – To change the welcome message of a warp.
  • xwarp.warp.edit.update – To change the location of a warp.
  • xwarp.warp.edit.rename – To rename the warps name.
  • xwarp.warp.edit.editors.add – To add editors. The editor itself also need the corresponding edit permission to perform the changes.
  • xwarp.warp.edit.editors.remove – To remove editors. By default it is better to only grant warp.edit.editors.remove or grant both (warp.edit.editors.*).
  • xwarp.warp.edit.owner – To change the owner with the give-command.
  • xwarp.warp.edit.creator – To change the creator of the warp. Warning: If you have limits other users could change the creator to raise the number of warps this user could create.
  • xwarp.warp.edit.price.set – To change the price.
  • – Allows to set the price to free. No default permission!
  • xwarp.warp.edit.list.change – Allows to change the the listed status.
  • xwarp.warp.edit.cooldown – Allows to set warp specific cooldown.
  • xwarp.warp.edit.warmup – Allows to set warp specific warmup.

“Editor” Permission node

It is possible to define editors by defining a special permission node. The structure of the permissions node is:


The possible operations are the names of the editor permissions.

Please note, if a user has the right xwarp.warp.edit.* the user could edit all (!) warps.

Special note to the creator permission

With the permission xwarp.warp.edit.creator it is possible to change the creator of a warp. But the creator has no special permissions and it may will be counted in the limits. So it is possible to change the creator to somebody else and the new creator than have one warp more which may limit the number of creation left. Also the old creator then could create one warp more, as the warp now counts for the other creator.

A simple example: You have the users A and B which only could create 1 warps and both haven't any warps. After user A created a warp this user could gain a advantage, by change the creator to user B. Now user B had one warp created and couldn't create one warp anymore. Also the user A now could create one warp again. The main problem here is, that the creator has no rights, so the creator (= B) couldn't delete the warp.

To prevent abuse don't give the users access to this permission.

Special command permissions

With 2.10.1 it is possible to allow following commands:

  • xwarp.warp.command.list – The warp list command.
  • – The warp search command.
  • – The warp info command.

Administrative permissions

Those permissions allow to use the commands on warps which the player doesn't own and where the player isn't on the editors list.

  • xwarp.warp.admin.give – Allows the give command
  • xwarp.warp.admin.invite – Allows the invite command
  • xwarp.warp.admin.uninvite – Allows the uninvite command
  • xwarp.warp.admin.delete – Allows the delete command
  • xwarp.warp.admin.message – Allows the message command
  • xwarp.warp.admin.update – Allows the update command
  • – Allows to warp to all warps.
  • xwarp.warp.admin.private – Allows the private command.
  • xwarp.warp.admin.public – Allows the public command.
  • – Allows the global command.
  • xwarp.warp.admin.editors.remove – Allows to remove editors.
  • xwarp.warp.admin.editors.add – Allows to add editors.
  • xwarp.warp.admin.warp.others – Allows to warp others players.
  • xwarp.warp.admin.price.set – Allows to set the price (≥ 0) to warp others players.
  • – Allows to set a warp of others players free.
  • xwarp.warp.admin.list.change – Allows to change the the listed status of others players.
  • xwarp.warp.admin.list.view – Allows to list also unlisted warps.
  • xwarp.warp.admin.changeworld – Allows to change the world of all warps in a world.

Permissions values

Warmup and cooldown

The values are by default set to 0.

  • Time in seconds when the next warp is possible.
    • xwarp.warp.timers.cooldown.private – To private warp
    • xwarp.warp.timers.cooldown.public – To public warp
    • – To global warp
  • Time in seconds between executing the warp command and requesting it.
    • xwarp.warp.timers.warmup.private – To a private warp
    • xwarp.warp.timers.warmup.public – To a public warp
    • – To a global warp

Creation limits

By default all values are -1, meaning infinite.

  • xwarp.warp.limit.private – Limit the amount of private warps.
  • xwarp.warp.limit.public – Limit the amount of public warps.
  • – Limit the amount of global warps.
  • – Limit the total amount of warps.


All these values are default set to 0.

  • The price to create a warp the different visibilities:
    • xwarp.warp.prices.create.private – Private warp
    • xwarp.warp.prices.create.public – Public warp
    • – Global warp
  • The basic price to teleport to a warp:
    • – Private warp
    • – Public warp
    • – Global warp