This library allows you to identify any Twitch IRC server response and format it to your liking!
pip install prettytwitch
Beforehand: Grab your OAuth token here:
from prettytwitch import Response # importing library
import socket
from time import sleep
NICK = 'Your username'
PASS = 'your twitch OAuth token'
CHAN = '#channel_name'
RATE = (20/30) # Rate per socket established by Twitch
s = socket.socket()
s.connect(('', 6667))
s.send("CAP REQ\r\n".encode()) # Next too lines allows you to recieve more data with your
s.send("CAP REQ\r\n".encode()) # client; you can find more info at
s.send("PASS {}\r\n".format(PASS).encode("utf-8"))
s.send("NICK {}\r\n".format(NICK).encode("utf-8"))
s.send("JOIN {}\r\n".format(CHAN).encode("utf-8"))
# Getting the information and correctly (line by line) sending it to the library to "pretify"
# Reason for this mess is that because of the ratelimit we can get certain data in chunks,
# and sometimes those chunks might not be complete, example gratia:
# ThisIsLine1\r\nThisIsLine2\r\nThisIsLi
leftovers = ''
while True:
raw_responses = s.recv(1024).decode("utf-8")
if leftovers != '':
raw_responses = leftovers + raw_responses
leftovers = ''
responses = [r+'\r\n' for r in raw_responses.strip().split('\r\n') if r]
if not raw_responses.endswith('\r\n'):
leftovers = responses[-1][:-2]
responses = responses[:-1]
for response in responses:
# print(response)
sleep(1 / RATE)
Did I get you interested? Make sure to check the wiki on GitHub for documentation, examples, and more useful information.