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Desk win

yafraorg edited this page Dec 27, 2012 · 10 revisions

Main version is Windows XP 32bit, however it will work with Windows Vista and higher in both 32bit and 64bit.

For other operating systems see linux desktop and mac os/x desktop.


It is assumed that the following steps are somehow performed, depending on your version and network:

  • install the operating system (physical or virtual) - mostly this is done with a boot dvd or iso.
  • setup network
    • enhance your /etc/hosts
    • change your network ip address if needed (default is DHCP)
  • install vm guest utils. If you run the system in a VM install the guest addons like (virtualbox-ose-guest-utils for VirtualBox).
  • setup your shell environment like bash aliases or edit mode
  • Java JDK installed and included in PATH and JAVA_HOME within your environment
  • Setup Perl ( or
  • Setup Python (
  • build files refer to the C: drive, if you choose another you have to update at least some ant build files and the default shell environment
  • Git (this gives you already a msys with bash, but we will use a different one to avoid any conflicts)


  • install cygwin
  • install addons Xpm, X11-dev, Motif, Gtk3, openssl, mysql client
  • install python/perl (only if you did not use the native versions): python GI, perl with dbi


This is a minimal unix like system, it does not provide a POSIX layer like cygwin, but offers most common features from a unix system like a shell. It is available on

Visual Studio native

  • install Visual Studio C# (install as well MS SQL Express if you want to run against SQL Server)
  • make sure you put C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin (or your current version of it) and /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319 into your PATH, you will need it as it contains the xsd.exe and msbuild.

Setup development environment

Some structure like the use of directory "/work" is given, you can change however you would need to modify some environment variables and scripts.

The following steps need to be performed (where YAFRAREPO is something like

mkdir /work
mkdir -p /work/repos/git
cd /work/repos/git
git clone YAFRAREPO YafraLocalGit
cd YafraLocalGit/org.yafra.sysadm/defaults
cp /etc/profile /etc/profile.bup
vi /etc/profile
(append the yafra environment, go to the end of the file and :r /work/repos/git/YafraLocalGit/org.yafra.sysadm/defaults/
  • SETUPJAVA (install the needed java environment, especially the java class path /work/classes)
  • CAYENNE (install the right cayenne db driver xml config)
perl $TDBSETUP/config/linux/
cd $SYSADM/shellscripts
  • sudo cpan (if asked about sudo or manual choose sudo), in the menu write install Tk::JComboBox

Setup system

Other useful packages

  • visual studio express and sql server express
  • eclipse
  • mysql server if you want to have a local mysql server
  • xampp (
  • oracle database server (virtual image available)
  • mysql workbench
  • other perl / python modules
  • other editors like textpad, notepad++, scite
  • filezilla
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