This repo stores tex files for my resume.
- 230909: basic version of general software resume
- 230910: add a description about arXiv project in the EDUCATION section
- 230915: init
- 230919: modify title for intelligent car design competition in ACTIVITIES
- 230930: software engineer in robotic company, delete volunteer activities, add more skills and projects
This shell script collects and renames the generated pdf files in different folders to one pdf folder.
I use VSCode and its extension LaTeX-Workshop to write, generate and preview.
I use texlive for both Windows and Mac, as recommended by Latex-Workshop.
In Windows System, I install texlive on WSL2 (Ubuntu20.04), so just follow the same instructions as Unix system.
Notice that, to set the PATH environment variable for VS Code Remote Development, you usually have to edit .bash_profile or .profile instead of .bashrc. See the document for WSL and an issue for Remote SSH.
Follow the instructions on Mac provided by texlive.