A CLI tool to help manage the flow of developing on gitlab. The difference between this and git-flow
is that
would operate remote(gitlab) resources like: milestone, issue, merge request and branch. Importantly,
if your team using gitlab-flow
together, gitlab-flow
could help you to synchronize others development data by
using milestoneId
or interactive mode.
Before you install gitlab-flow
, you need apply a gitlab application on your gitlab server.
- Go to your gitlab
. - Input
andRedirect URI
(http://localhost:2333/callback). - Choose scopes:
. - Click
Save application
. - Copy
Application Id
Now, you got Application Id
and Secret
There is no precompiled binary to install directly, so you need to install by yourself.
BIN=gitlab-flow \ # or any name you like
bash install.sh
using urfave/cli, so you can use complete
command to generate completion script.
- Download urfave/cli completion script to a file from auto-completion
- Copy the content of the file to your shell folders.
- Source the file in your shell profile file.
# zsh completion for example
# download completion script
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/urfave/cli/master/autocomplete/zsh_autocomplete -o ~/.oh-my-zsh/cache/completions/gitlab-flow
# source the file in your .zshrc
echo "source ~/.oh-my-zsh/cache/completions/gitlab-flow" >> ~/.zshrc
# activate the completion
source ~/.zshrc
More help information, you can find in urfave/cli bash completion.
gitlab-flow [-c, --conf `path/to/confpath/`] init
# Notice here, global flag is before subcommand `init` or others.
# -c only need a directory path not file path.
❗️❗️❗️NOTICE: since 1.7.0
gitlab-flow use OAuth2 access token instead of personal access token.
!!! Before initialize gitlab-flow, you must have a custom-compiled gitlab-flow executable binary which contains appId and appSecret of gitlab application on your gitlab server.
After you initialize gitlab-flow on your machine, it will automatically request OAuth credentials from your gitlab server.
Host: The domain of your gitlab server. such as https://git.example.com
API Host: The API path to your gitlab server. such as: https://git.example.com/api/v4/. You can find it in: https://git.example.com/help/api/README.md. This page provide some example for you to request gitlab API, so you got host.
$ flow -h
gitlab-flow - CLI tool
flows [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
A tool for managing gitlab Feature/Milestone/Issue/MergeRequest as gitlab-flow.
yeqown <yeqown@gmail.com>
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
dash overview of local development
feature managing the works in developing.
hotfix managing the works in hotfix.
init initialize gitlab-flow, generate default config file and sqlite DB related to the path
--conf path/to/file, -c path/to/file choose which path/to/file to load (default: ~/.gitlab-flow)
--cwd path/to/file choose which path/to/file to load (default: /Users/med/projects/opensource/gitlab-flow)
--debug verbose mode (default: false)
--project projectName, -p projectName input projectName to locate which project should be operate. (default: gitlab-flow)
--force-remote query project from remote not from local. This should be used when project name is duplicated, and could not found from local. (default: false)
--web open web browser automatically or not (default: false)
--help, -h show help (default: false)
--version, -v print the version (default: false)
This section records the documents of gitlab-flow
, including the design, the usage, the development and the release.
CHANGELOG.md records the changes of each version.