Login to the AWS management console.
- Brew
$ brew install youyo/tap/awslogin
Other platforms are download from github release page.
$ awslogin
Login to the AWS management console.
awslogin [flags]
-b, --browser string Opens with the specified browse application
-h, --help help for awslogin
-O, --output-url output signin url
-p, --profile string use a specific profile from your credential file. (default "default")
-S, --select-profile interactive select profile
--version version for awslogin
$ awslogin
(open browser using default profile or $AWS_PROFILE)
$ awslogin --profile profile-1
(open browser using selected profile)
$ awslogin --select-profile
(open browser using selected profile)
$ awslogin --output-url