setImageInfo- sets the number of rows, columns and graylevels
getImageInfo- returns the number of rows, columns and gray levels
getPixelVal- returns the gray value of a specific pixel
setPixelVal- sets the gray value of a specific pixel
getSubImage- Pulls a sub image out of oldImage based on users values, and then stores it in oldImage
enlargeImage- enlarges Image and stores it in tempImage, resizes oldImage and stores the larger image in oldImage
shrinkImage- Shrinks image as storing it in tempImage, resizes oldImage, and stores it in oldImage
reflectImage- Reflects the Image based on users input
rotateImage- based on users input and rotates it around the center of the image.
Image::operator+ -adds images together, half one image, half the other
Image::operator- - subtracts images from each other
./myprog <parameters>