This repository was created for mastering Java + Selenium course.
Here you can find my solutions of problems related to the following topics of Java Core:
arrays (including bubble and selection sorting, generating 1, 2-dimentional arrays of random numbers, calculating min, max, etc.);
enums (which is used in a game where you guess a celebrity's age);
collections (one of these programs can search a student/teacher/both by name, surname, faculty);
inheritance, generics, interfaces related exercises;
expressions and control statements (used in different math calculations);
class StringBuilder (in Caesar and Enigma cipher algorithms);
other tasks on writing / reading from a file, cycles.
Most of these methods are covered by unit tests.
Also among tests you can find simple Selemium Webdriver tests, tests using Page Object and Page Factory patterns, and a BDD Cucumber test.
Maven Surefire plugin and saved drivers allow running a set of tests on different browsers and OS, and Allure framework generates a report. TestWatcher class' failed() method makes screenshots of failed tests that are attached to an Allure report.