Building components to develop processor in VHDL
Name | Width | Action |
Α | IN (32 bits) | 2's compiment operative |
Β | IN (32 bits) | 2's compiment operative |
Op | IN (4 bits) | Action code |
Out | OUT (32 bits) | 2's compiment result |
Zero | IN (1 bit) | Signal for Zero output |
Cout | OUT (1 bit) | Signal for Carry Out output |
Ovf | OUT (1 bit) | Signal for Overflow output |
Code | Action | Result |
0000 | Add | Out = A + B |
0001 | Sub | Out = A - B |
0010 | Logic NOT AND | Out = A NAND B |
0011 | Logic OR | Out = A OR B |
0100 | Reverse Input | Out = !A |
1000 | Arithmetic shift right | Out = (int)A>>1 |
1001 | Logic shift right | Out = (unsigned int)A>>1 |
1010 | Logic shift left | Out = A<<1 |
1100 | Rotate shift left | Rotate from MSB to LSB |
1101 | Rotate shift right | Rotate from LSB to MSB |
Name | Width | Action |
Αrd1 | IN (5 bits) | Address source register #1 |
Ard2 | IN (5 bits) | Address source register #2 |
Awr | IN (5 bits) | Address destination register |
Dout1 | OUT (32 bits) | Data register #1 |
Dout2 | OUT (32 bit) | Data register #2 |
Din | IN (32 bits) | Data for writing |
WrEn | IN (1 bit) | Enable writing |
Clk | IN (1 bit) | Clock |
Name | Width |
Opcode | 6 bits |
rs | 5 bits |
rd | 5 bits |
rt | 5 bits |
not-used | 5 bits |
func | 6 bits |
Name | Width |
Opcode | 6 bits |
rs | 5 bits |
rd | 5 bits |
Immediate | 16 bits |
Opcode | Func | Comm | Action |
100000 | 110000 | add | RF[rd]<-RF[rs]+RF[rt] |
100000 | 110001 | sub | RF[rd]<-RF[rs]-RF[rt] |
100000 | 110010 | nand | RF[rd]<-RF[rs] NAND RF[rt] |
100000 | 110100 | not | RF[rd]<-!RF[rs] |
100000 | 110011 | or | RF[rd]<-RF[rs] OR RF[rt] |
100000 | 111000 | sra | RF[rd]<-RF[rs]>>1 |
100000 | 111001 | sll | RF[rd]<-RF[rs]<<1 (logical) |
100000 | 111010 | srl | RF[rd]<-RF[rs]>>1 (logical) |
100000 | 111100 | rol | RF[rd]<-Rotate left(RF[rs]) |
100000 | 111101 | ror | RF[rd]<-Rotate right(RF[rs]) |
111000 | - | li | RF[rd]<-SignExtend(Imm) |
111001 | - | lui | RF[rd]<-Imm<< 16 (zero fill) |
110000 | - | addi | RF[rd]<-RF[rs] + SignExtend(Imm) |
110010 | - | nandi | RF[rd]<-RF[rs] NAND ZeroFill(Imm) |
110011 | - | ori | RF[rd]<-RF[rs] |
111111 | - | b | PC<-PC + 4 + (SignExtend(Imm)<<2 |
000000 | - | beq | Branch when equal sources |
000001 | - | bne | Branch when not equal sources |
000011 | - | lb | RF[rd]<- ZeroFill(31 downto 8) & MEM[RF[rs]+SignExtend(Imm)](7 downto 0) |
000111 | - | sb | MEM[RF[rs]+SignExtend(Imm)]<-ZeroFill(31 down to 8) & RF[rd][7 downto 0] |
001111 | - | lw | RF[rd]<- MEM[RF[rs]+SignExtend(Imm)] |
011111 | - | sw | MEM[RF[rs]+SignExtend(Imm)]<-RF[rd] |
- MAIN MEMORY 2048x32
- Connection of the stages.
- Design FSM for control signals.
- addi_MMX_byte
- poly2
- rfld
- Loads RF registers from 31 consecutive memory locations
- rfst
- Stores the values of the RF registers in 31 consecutive memory locations
Opcode | Func | Comm | Action |
110001 | - | MMX_addi_byte | RF[rd]<-RF[rs](31 downto 24) + immed(7 downto 0) &..& RF[rd]<-RF[rs](7 downto 0) + immed(7 downto 0) |
100000 | 010000 | poly2 | RF[rd]<- RF[rt]* RF[rt] * MEM[RF[rs]] + RF[rt]* MEM[RF[rs]+4]+ MEM[RF[rs]+8] |
011100 | - | rfld | base_addr = RF[rs]+ SignExtend(Imm) for(i=1;i<32;i++) RF[i]<-MEM[base_addr+4*i] |
011110 | - | rfst | base_addr = RF[rs]+ SignExtend(Imm) for(i=1;i<32;i++) MEM[base_addr+4*i]<-RF[i] |
- Mods on Datapath
- new registers
- solve stalls/forwarding
- Modification on Control
- solve hazards (data/control)
Xilinx ISE® design suite 13.7 and above
To run the project
- Install Xilinx suite from
- Clone code from git
- File > Import > Existing Projects into Workspace > Locate project
- Copy projects into workspace if you do want to copy the project files to your current workspace location.
To run the simulation (.wcfg)
- Find simulation files in hierarchy
- Import them if they do not appear
- Simulate behavioral model
- Check system behavior based on scenarios (different input signal)
Projects were created in older version of Xilinx.
For incompatibility issues, make an new project and copy .vhd
- This project was created for the requirements of the lesson Computer Οrganization