A Python GUI studio with a goal to make common data analysis and standardization tasks simple. Utilizes PySide, pandas, and SQLAlchemy libraries to provide a flexible toolbox for working with rows and columns in many formats.
A light-weight SQL view/query tool using SQLAlchemy:
- Connect PostgreSQL, SQLite, & MySQL databases
- Edit, execute, and save SQL queries.
- Import files to tables
- Export tables/queries to files
A template-maker for common tasks like:
- Renaming & organizing headers
- Sorting rows
- Merging/purging other data sets based on common fields
- Removing duplicate records
- Splitting to multiple files
- Text-to-columns
- Concatenate columns
Easy data-normalizations
- Drop/fill missing values
- Merge or split columns
- Set case (upper/lower/proper)
- Parse dates into YYYY-MM-DD format
- Remove special characters/trim extra spaces
File analyzer displaying a summary of your data instantly:
- Minimum/Maximum, Sum, & Median values (of number & date columns)
- Count of non-NA records (on string columns)
Manage project files & folders in-app:
- Renaming
- Compression
- DropBox upload/download
A file reader that guesses the encoding and delimiter of most file formats
- .csv
- .txt
- .xlsx
- .pickle
Lightning fast read, process, and write speed.
- 250MB CSV open time: 7sec (v.s. Excel: 74sec)
Issues are managed on Github using ZenHub - see upcoming features and feel free to contribute feedback, suggestions, or code.
- Home Window
- File Window
- Edit Fields Dialog
- Merge/Purge Dialog