A library that adds SOCKS4(a) client support to core module functionality.
Clone the repo, nvm i
, and npm i
* Adds SOCKS4(a) proxying support to net.connect() and tls.connect().
* Resolves a net.Socket or tls.TLSSocket.
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {String} opts.host - the destination hostname
* @param {Number} opts.port - the destination port
* @param {String} [opts.proxyHost] - the proxy hostname
* @param {Number} [opts.proxyPort] - the proxy port
* @param {Boolean} [opts.secure] - whether to establish TLS connection from proxy to destination
* @return {Promise}
const connect = opts => {
* Adds SOCKS4(a) proxying support to http.request() and https.request().
* Resolves an object with the response status code, headers, and body.
* @param {(String|URL)} url - the destination URL
* @param {Object} [opts = {}]
* @param {String} [opts.body] - the request body
* @param {String} [opts.proxyHost] - the proxy hostname
* @param {Number} [opts.proxyPort] - the proxy port
* @param {} [opts....] - additional options for http.request() or https.request()
* @return {Promise}
const request = async (url, opts = {}) => {
The following examples assume top-level async/await
and a SOCKS4(a) compatible proxy running on the local network at
'use strict'
const { connect } = require('socksify')
// Connect to the proxy and perform the handshake
const sock = await connect({
host: 'www.foobar.com',
port: 443,
proxyHost: '',
proxyPort: 12345
// Now, data written to the socket will go to
// the proxy and *then* to "www.foobar.com".
'use strict'
const { request } = require('socksify')
const url = 'https://www.foobar.com/baz?q=1'
// Connect to the proxy and send an HTTPS request over the connection.
// The proxy forwards the request to "www.foobar.com" and the response to the client.
const { code, headers, body } = await request(url, {
body: '...',
proxyHost: '',
proxyPort: 12345
npm test
npm run lint
npm run doc
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Please do!
If you find a bug, want a feature added, or just have a question, feel free to open an issue. In addition, you're welcome to create a pull request addressing an issue. You should push your changes to a feature branch and request merge to develop
Make sure linting and tests pass and coverage is 💯 before creating a pull request!