Emcache is a local high-performance cache library implemented by C++. The underlying core data structure is a hash table,The main design ideas are as follows:
Automatic expansion of hash table
Automatic capacity expansion adopts progressive hashing to avoid performance jitter caused by centralized re hashing.
Support setting key expiration time
Support setting cache size. If maxmemory is not set, LRU elimination strategy will be adopted automatically in case of memory shortage
Processing method of expired key: inert deletion + regular deletion.
EmCache depends on boost library 1.54.0+, GCC 4.8+, cmake 3.0+
yum install gcc-c++ make git
#cmake :https://cmake.org/files/
wget https://cmake.org/files/v3.12/cmake-3.12.0.tar.gz
tar xzvf cmake-3.12.0.tar.gz
cd cmake-3.12.0
make install
wget https://dl.bintray.com/boostorg/release/1.71.0/source/boost_1_71_0.tar.gz
tar -zxvf boost_1_71_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_71_0
./bootstrap.sh --with-libraries=all && ./b2 && ./b2 isntall
git clone https://github.com/zhanMingming/EmCache.git
cd EmCache/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make && make install
enum LruOption
//Use LRU algorithm to eliminate data, only key with expiration time set
volatile_lru = 0,
//All keys can be eliminated by using LRU algorithm
struct CacheOption
//Elimination strategy
LruOption lru;
// Maximum memory Unit: MB
//// A value of 0 means unlimited
int maxmemory;
//Maximum key length Unit: KB
// Default-Value = 521KB
int max_key_length;
//Maximum value length Unit: KB
// Default-Value = 1024KB
int max_value_length;
//If the load factor is greater than this value (generally set to 1.0), capacity expansion will begin
// Default-Value = 1.0
float load_factor;
//The number of DB is recommended to be set as the number of CPU cores
//In order to achieve high performance, emcache uses multiple hash tables at the bottom,
//which reduces the competition for locks in a multithreaded environment
//Default-Value = 16
int db_num;
//Get Single Instance
CacheManager *cache = CacheManager::GetInstance();
//Cache option, the default option is used here
CacheOption option1;
// Create a cache named AdInfo
boost::shared_ptr<Cache> adInfoCache = manager->Create("AdInfo", option1);
CacheOption option2;
//Create a cache named IndexInfo
boost::shared_ptr<Cache> indexInfoCache = manager->Create("IndexInfo", option2);
In the design of emcache, we can use different cacheoption classes to create cache objects with different properties. For example, in the advertising business scenario, we can use different cache objects for advertising data and index data.
Generally speaking, we can create the cache object we need in the main thread.
// Main Thread
CacheManager *cache = CacheManager::GetInstance();
CacheOption option;
boost::shared_ptr<Cache> adInfoCache = manager->Create("AdInfo", option);
Get the cache object in the worker thread for set, get and other operations.
// Worker Thread
boost::shared_ptr<Cache> adInfoCache = cache->GetCache("AdInfo");
// Insert the key and set the expiration time to 100 seconds
adInfoCache->Set("key", "value", 100);
string val = adInfoCache->Get("key");