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Zoom Node.js Chatbot Command Line Interface

Use of this CLI is subject to our Terms of Use

This is a cli package that automatically sets up a Node.js Zoom chatbot project for you. This allows you to quickly start developing chatbots without having to worry about setting up a project, doing Zoom OAuth, and other boilerplate logic and allows you to immediately concentrate on developing your business logic.


$ npm i @zoomus/chatbot-cli -g


  1. zoomchatbot create examplebot //Choose one development deployment method in terminal

  2. cd examplebot npm run start // start your app demo.If you select demo type in terminal, use npm run dynamodb to create local dynamodb tables first(before install dynamodb local,need to ensure have java env && bind aws key secret first,you can use fake aws key&secret for test)

  3. Visit, create a new bot and copy credentials to your environment file

  4. In your Zoom Chat, you can enter commands to your bot, our skeleton code has "help" and "vote"(use create-zoom-message-tool to get sendmessage json by visual drag)

  5. npm run test //use jest to test app

Setup & Features

This app is base on node express,and nodejs version >= 8.*

See marketplace docs to learn how to create bot and get information you need to paste into your code's environment variables file: .development.env for general mode, serverless.development.json for serverless mode.

Here you will see either .development.env for general mode or serverless.development.json for serverless mode. You will need to fill this out with your bot's information. Below is an example screenshot:


You will also see a file called botConfig.js. In this file, we can add features to our bot. Let's go over the sections of botConfig.js:

1. apis,configure api endpoints for your bot

Basically, when your bot receives a request, we will call the function specified in callback and auto inject useful objects into res.locals for you to use.

There are two special api type,one is Redirect URL for OAuth(zoomType:'auth'),another is Bot endpoint URL(zoomType:'command').

zoomType:'command' is the webhook url(https://your url/command) to bind in zoom marketplace.This type api not need bind callback,app will help to transfer the webhook informations to botCommands&&botActions.

In zoomType='auth',let {zoomApp,botLog,databaseModels?,request}=res.locals can be used. In zoomApp you can auto get zoom access_token information.

In zoomType='command',let {zoomApp,zoomWebhook,botLog,databaseModels?,request}=res.locals can be used in botActions&&botCommands config.

In other general apis, let {zoomApp,botLog,databaseModels?,request}=req.locals can be used.

in the docs bottom ,you can see the api section of zoomApp,zoomWebhook,zoomError,botLog,databaseModels,request.And in your ./src directory,you can see the example code of these injected instances.

   apis: [{
       url: '/command',
       method: 'post',
       zoomType: 'command'
     }, //callbacks see botCommands&botActions
       url: '/auth',
       method: 'get',
       callback: require('./src/auth'),
       zoomType: 'auth'
       url: '/test',
       method: 'get',
       callback: function(req, res, next) {}
     } //it is a general api

2. botCommands: Configure your bot’s slash.

When your bot's user's enter commands, it will call the function specified in the callback for that command. let {zoomApp,zoomWebhook,botLog,databaseModels?,request}=res.locals will be injeced in callback

   botCommands: [{
       command: 'help',
       callback: require('./src/help.js')
       callback: require('./src/noCommand.js') // no matched command,will call this function

3. botActions: Configure your bot’s UI actions

Triggers callback whenever a user presses a button, clicks a dropdown, edits a textbox, etc on your bot’s messages. For more command types, please see zoom-message-with-buttons.

Zoom supports interactive_message_select, interactive_message_actions, interactive_message_editable, and interactive_message_fields_editable types. You can see zoom-message-with-dropdown for more details.

let {zoomApp,zoomWebhook,botLog,databaseModels?,request}=res.locals will be injeced in callback

botActions: [{
  command: 'interactive_message_actions',
  callback: require('./src/interactive_message_actions.js')

4. log: Raw http request information which you can use to perform logging.

The default supports three log types, the first are requests that calls a Zoom API or sends a Zoom message. The second one are commands that users type into the Zoom Chat. The last one is error_notice type, and it is triggered by request errors on both sides.

If you use let {request}=res.locals to request other platform's api, you can also log the http information in the callback. (Request is the method which wrap node-fetch and put form-data and form-parameters in simple object)

   //auto support three types log which you can see in this function
   info: {
     type: 'http',
     message: {
       request: {
       response: {
       error //also trigger in error_notice when it not be falsely
   info: {
     type: 'webhook',
     message: {
       request: {
   info: {
     type: 'error_notice',
     message: {
     } //only happen when we have http error and webhook verify fail

   log: function(info) {
     console.log(info.type, info.message.request.url);

You can also log information in callback function, we will inject botLog instance after you bind log in botConfig.

module.exports = function(req, res) {
  let {
  } = res.locals;

  botLog({ //will call result in log function of botConfig.js
    type: 'your log type',
    message: {

5. res.locals in callback

  • in zoomType='auth',let {zoomApp,botLog,databaseModels,request}=res.locals can be used
  • in zoomType='command' which used botCommands&&botActions,let {zoomApp,zoomWebhook,botLog,databaseModels,request}=res.locals can be used.
  • in general apis,let {zoomApp,botLog,databaseModels,request}=req.locals can be used.

you can see zoom chatbot libaray to see more details of these instance, and in your ./src directory you can see the template code.

zoomError when some error happen in internal middleware,will have zoomError in locals

let { zoomError } = res.locals;
  //do sendmessage and other logic

zoomApp you can use zoomApp to sendMessage,request openapi

sendMessage example code,feedback the message from webhook channel.

let { zoomApp, zoomWebhook } = res.locals;
let { type, payload } = zoomWebhook;
let { toJid, userJid, accountId } = payload;
await zoomApp.sendMessage({ to_jid: toJid, account_id: accountId, user_jid: userJid, is_visible_you: true, content: { head: { type: 'message', text: `Hi there - I'm ${process.env.NAME} bot`, style: { bold: true } }, body: [ { type: 'message', text: 'Here are some quick tips to get started!' }, { type: 'message', text: 'vote', style: { bold: true } }, { type:'message', text:'Click a button to vote your Favorite food' }, { type: 'message', text: 'meet', style: { bold: true } }, { type:'message', text:'get your meet url' } ] } });

request Zoom api(see zoom chatbot libaray to see more details of zoomApp request openapi)

let { zoomApp, zoomWebhook } = res.locals;
let { type, payload } = zoomWebhook;
let { toJid, userJid, userId, accountId } = payload;
  access_token: database.get('access_token'),
  refresh_token: database.get('refresh_token'),
  expires_date: database.get('expires_date')
zoomApp.auth.callbackRefreshTokens(async function(tokens,error) {
    //try use refresh token to get access_token,but also fail,refresh token is invalid
    try {
      await database.update(...);//update tokens in database 
    } catch (e) {

let meetingInfo = await zoomApp.request({
  url: `/v2/users/${userId}/meetings`,
  method: 'post',
  headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
  body: {
    topic: `New ${} Meeting`,
    type: 2,
    settings: {
      host_video: true,
      participant_video: true,
      join_before_host: true,
      enforce_login: true,
      mute_upon_entry: true


Get Zoom Chat channel/bot information from the commands that users type(see zoom chatbot libaray to see more details of zoomWebhook)

let { zoomWebhook } = res.locals;
let { type, payload } = zoomWebhook;// type = 'channel'|'bot'
let { toJid, userJid, userId, accountId } = payload;
// do the logic


let {botLog}=res.locals;
//this message will run log(function(info){..}) in your botConfig.js

databaseModels You can use this after binding useDatabase models in botConfig.js, please see the "Database" section at the bottom of this document


Request is the method which wrap node-fetch and puts form-data and form-parameters in simple object

Request will auto call the logging function bot(function(info){}) in your botConfig.js,you can then implement that function to log whatever you wish to log.

see zoom chatbot libaray to see more details of request

//request other platform openapi,just like slack openapi.

let {request}=res.locals;

Included Demos

If you wish to quickly see a demo of how to use this package.


The demo runs DynamoDB, so you must have Java installed on your computer, as well as AWS CLI set up. To Install AWS CLI: After installing, run aws configure, then configure your access key Id, and secret access key, (These two values don’t have to be real, can just be made up for local testing). You should be admin privileges on your computer and you should have a chatbot app set up on marketplace with the following scopes:


To run demo:

  1. zoomchatbot create app

  2. select general-demo-withdynamodb or serverless-demo-withdynamodb in terminal.

  3. Set up your bot’s environment variables: .development.env for general mode, serverless.development.json for serverless mode, described in Setup & Features.

  4. Set up your bot on marketplace.

  5. Use npm run dynamodb to start dynamoDB.

  6. Use npm run start to start your app

  7. (Optional) If you wish to use the demo's "meet" command, you must go to your bot's marketplace page and under "Scopes", add the scope "meeting:write:admin".

  8. Go to your bot's marketplace page and under "Local Test", click "Install".


useDatabase: This section is totally optional. You can connect to your database anyway you see fit, however, we also support database config in botConfig.js. Once you construct your database object in useDatabase, we will auto inject an object called databaseModels into res.locals of each callback. databaseModels will be constructed using "lib" and "option" you defined in useDatabase. Below is an example code using DynamoDB as an example:(see botdynamodb for how to write a custom database package, see botdblocal for how to create local dynamodb tables).

useDatabase: {
  lib: require('some database library for zoom bot'),
  option: {
    tables: {
      zoom: {
        tableName: 'zoomtable',
        hashKey: 'zoom_account_id',
        schema: {
          zoom_account_id: joi.string(),
          zoom_access_token: joi.string()
    port: 8089,
    region: 'us-east-1'

And will auto inject databaseModels into res.locals of each callback:

let {
} = res.locals;

  zoom_account_id: accountId

Additional Info

  • We have already installed node-fetch, you can use it for your http requests.

  • Feel free to modify app.js, as it is general express code.

  • In app.js we use [botservice])( as the core lib to consume botConfig.js.

  • In the views directory we used hbs for the html template.

  • To run tests, run $ npm run test. Feel free to modify/add to the tests directory.

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