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Tiranadel edited this page Sep 14, 2020 · 2 revisions


Battle Arena is an mIRC game created by James “Iyouboushi” of In this game you create a character to kill monsters and bosses to gain orbs and new weapons/skills/techniques. It's similar to Devil May Cry, as that's really the inspiration, but it includes more than just DMC monsters/bosses/weapons/items. The whole purpose was to make an mIRC game that is completely automated in terms of the battle system.

In Battle Arena players join the battle when the bot announces an open battle. After a few minutes, it will generate monsters/bosses and have them join the battle and the battle will start. When it’s a monster’s or boss’ turn, they will automatically do their things. When it’s the player’s turn, there’s a few commands you can do (attack with a weapon, attack with a technique, do a skill, use an item). If the player idles for too long the bot will force their turn and skip over them. This is done so that someone can’t disappear for an hour and cause the battle to drag on forever.

There’s a bunch of weapons that can be bought and each weapon has a few techniques attached to them. You buy weapons using black orbs when you obtain via winning boss fights and being alive at the end of one. You purchase items, techniques, and other assorted things using red orbs. There's also “Allied Notes” which is a type of special currency that can be used to purchase additional items and mechs.

That’s really the gist of the game.

One more thing to mention here in the “overview” is that the bot is currently unbalanced. New players will probably find themselves dying a lot while older players will probably dominate almost everything (to a point). Some weapons are overpowered, others aren't strong enough. Hopefully things will improve in those areas later on down the road.

Another thing to mention is that most things can be changed, removed, or edited if you don't want the default stuff the bot has. Most of the files can be edited with the text editor of your choice, such as Notepad or Notepad++ for example. However, keep in mind that any changes you make will be overwritten if you update. So if you use an edited version of Battle Arena, then make a back up copy of your version first and re-apply your edits.

[Table of contents]

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