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Tiranadel edited this page Sep 18, 2020 · 3 revisions


Below is a list of all of the accessories in the game.

Name Type Orb Cost Sell Exclusive Merchant
Beginner'sCharm Stylish - IncreaseKillCoins - IncreaseRedOrbs 0 0 - -
Jungle-Medallion IncreaseCriticalHits - IncreaseMeleeDamage - BlockAllStatus 0 2000 - -
Eye-Patch Stylish - IncreaseSwordDamage - IncreaseGunDamage 0 2000 - -
Hourglass-Necklace IgnoreQuickSilver 0 2000 - -
Dragonball-Radar IncreaseDBChance 0 1000 - -
Roshi's-Glasses Stylish 80000 2000 - Travel
Roshi's-Glasses+1 Stylish 0 5000 - -
Wizard's-Amulet IncreaseSpellDamage 20000 2000 - Travel
Wizard's-Amulet+1 IncreaseSpellDamage 0 2000 - -
Cultist-Rosary IncreaseSpellDamage 0 2000 Yes -
Cultist-Rosary+1 IncreaseSpellDamage 0 2000 Yes -
Aetherial-Earrings IncreaseMagic 0 0 Yes -
Aetherial-Earrings+1 IncreaseMagic 0 0 Yes -
Forbidden-Earrings IncreaseMagic 0 0 Yes -
Forbidden-Earrings+1 IncreaseMagic 0 0 Yes -
Forbidden-Earrings+2 IncreaseMagic 0 0 Yes -
Aetherial-Ring IncreaseMeleeDamage 0 2000 Yes -
Forbidden-Ring IncreaseMeleeDamage 0 2000 Yes -
Blessed-Ankh IncreaseHealing 20000 2000 - Travel
Wizard's-Ankh IncreaseHealing - IncreaseSpellDamage 0 5000 - -
Bling-Ring IncreaseKillCoins 0 1500 - -
Blood-Ring IncreaseRedOrbs 30000 1500 - Travel
Blood-Pendant IncreaseRedOrbs 0 2000 - -
OniGauntlet IncreaseRedOrbs 0 5000 - -
OniGauntlet+1 IncreaseRedOrbs - IncreaseKatanaDamage 0 5000 - -
OniGauntlet+2 IncreaseRedOrbs - IncreaseKatanaDamage - IncreaseMagic 0 5000 - -
Blood-Crown IncreaseRedOrbs 0 5000 - -
Blood-Crown+1 IncreaseRedOrbs 0 5000 - -
Forbidden-Crown IncreaseRedOrbs 0 5000 Yes -
Forbidden-Crown+1 IncreaseRedOrbs 0 5000 Yes -
Forbidden-Crown+2 IncreaseRedOrbs 0 5000 Yes -
Purple-Belt IncreaseH2HDamage 30000 500 - Travel
Brown-Belt IncreaseH2HDamage 0 1000 - -
Black-Belt IncreaseH2HDamage 0 2000 - -
Red-Belt IncreaseH2HDamage 0 5000 - -
Dragon-Belt IncreaseH2HDamage 0 5000 - -
Miser-Ring IncreaseMeleeDamage 80000 2000 - Travel
Thief-Ring IncreaseSteal 0 2000 - -
Mugger's-Belt Mug 0 2000 - -
Fool's-Tablet IncreaseMeleeAddPoison 30000 500 - Travel
Osiris-Charm AutoRegen 0 2000 Yes -
Dr'sMask BlockAllStatus 0 5000 - -
PinkBow BlockAllStatus 75000 1000 - Travel
Ribbon BlockAllStatus 0 5000 - -
Aztec-Goldcoin CurseAddDrain 0 1000 - -
AztecGoldcoin CurseAddDrain 0 1000 - -
Mayan-Charm IncreaseCriticalHits - BlockAllStatus 0 2000 - -
Kan-ra-Charm IncreaseCriticalHits - BlockAllStatus 0 2000 Yes -
Lucky-Rabbit'sFoot IncreaseCriticalHits 0 2000 - -
4Leaf-Clover IncreaseCriticalHits 0 3000 - -
VIP-MemberCard ReduceShopLevel 0 5000 - -
VIP-MemberCard+1 ReduceShopLevel 0 5000 Yes -
Spear-Pin IncreaseSpearDamage 30000 3000 - Travel
Prism-Specs ElementalDefense 0 3000 - -
Treasure-Ring IncreaseTreasureOdds 80000 3000 - Travel
Mimic-Ring IncreaseMimicOdds 0 3000 - -
Engine-Ring IncreaseMechEngineLevel 0 3000 - -
Shield-Ring EnhanceBlocking 70000 5000 - Travel
Sword-Pin IncreaseSwordDamage - 30000 3000 Travel
Hero'sMedal IncreaseCriticalHits 0 10000 Yes -
Axe-Pin IncreaseAxeDamage 30000 3000 - Travel
PendantOfPower IncreaseSwordDamage 0 3000 - -
PendantOfWisdom IncreaseMagic 0 3000 - -
PendantOfCourage EnhanceBlocking 0 3000 - -
DragonCharm EnhanceDragonHunt 0 2000 - -
Friendship-Ring IncreaseTrustFriendship 0 1000 - -
Sonic-Ring IncreaseTurnSpeed 0 1000 - -
WorldHeavyWeight-Belt IncreaseWrestlingDamage 0 1000 - -
TeruTeruBozu IncreaseRedOrbs - Stylish - IncreaseHealing 0 5000 Yes -
Train-Ring IncreaseMechEngineLevel - IncreaseWrestlingDamage 0 5000 Yes -
Valor-Ring IncreaseCriticalHits - ElementalDefense - EnhanceBlocking - IncreaseIGGain 0 5000 - -


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