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potion effects shop

Tiranadel edited this page Dec 23, 2016 · 2 revisions


The Potion Effects shop is heavily based on Hyrule Warrior's Apothecary shop. In that game you can purchase various potions for monster drops and the potion's effect will take effect during the next battle. Syrup, also a Zelda character, is the one who sells them in Battle Arena. She will show up when the number of total Lost Souls killed in the game is 200+. Like the other shop NPCs, this is a group effort so everyone who has killed one contributes towards this total.

The shop looks something like this:

[Iyouboushi] !shop list potioneffect
[BattleArena] This shop is used to purchase special Potion Effects that will take effect during or after you next battle. You can only purchase one at a time.
[BattleArena] OrbBonus potion effect: 2 Beetle Shells + 2 Beetle Jaws + 1 Milk
[BattleArena] DoubleLife potion effect: 2 Roses + 1 Tulip + 2 Milk
[BattleArena] BonusSpoils potion effect: 2 BlueKinstone + GreenKinstone 1 + 1 Milk
[BattleArena] AugmentBonus potion effect: 2 Redead Ashes + 2 Gibdo Bandages + 1 Milk
[BattleArena] UtsusemiBonus potion effect: 2 Gremlin Skins + 1 Milk
[BattleArena] Dragonskin potion effect: 1 Dragon Egg + 1 Dragon Fang + 1 Milk
[BattleArena] To purchase use !shop buy potioneffect [potion effect name] such as !shop buy potioneffect OrbBonus

If you don't have enough of the spoils to purchase the effect, the bot will inform you what you're missing:

[Iyouboushi] !shop buy potioneffect OrbBonus
[BattleArena] You do not have enough of the required materials for this potion effect.
[BattleArena] You still need the following: 2x Beetle Shells - 2x Beetle Jaws - 0x Milk

Potion Effects

Here's a list of the potion effects and what they actually do.

  • OrbBonus - Increases the amount of red orbs you will receive at the end of battle. At lower streaks it will increase them around 244%
  • DoubleLife - Causes you to start the next battle with double your max HP or double your current hp (in Players Must Die mode). The enhanced HP will wear off after the battle ends (except in Players Must Die mode since HP isn't reset in that).
  • BonusSpoils - Gives you a 100% chance of receiving a spoil if the monster you fight has something to drop and increases the amount of the item that you will receive at the end of battle.
  • AugmentBonus - Adds +1 to every augment in the game for the next battle you're in. Stacks with all other augments and bonuses towards Augments.
  • UtsusemiBonus - Will give you 6 shadows upon using the skill Utsusemi. Note that six shadows is max.
  • Dragonskin - Will give you 500 natural armor to absorb attacks with for one battle

If you do not receive a spoil at the end of the battle the effect will remain on until you successfully receive a spoil.

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