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Middleware and Dapp Project Ideas

vbuterin edited this page Oct 9, 2015 · 18 revisions

This page describes some ideas that I (Vitalik) have that I would like to see implemented, but do not have time for myself. If anyone wants advice on how to implement them feel free to ping me at any time, or just start yourself.

Data Feed

The core idea behind a data feed is simple: a data feed is a contract with an administrator that maintains a key-value store, where the keys represent what data is stored (eg. "BTC/USD") and the values represent the value that the administrator believes the variable currently is in the real world (eg. 235). A simple data feed contract can be found in the standardized contract APIs repository; it has a set function which allows its administrator to set the value for a particular key, and a get function which allows anyone to get the value for a particular key; that particular contract also allows the administrator to set a fee in ether.

Regarding fee setting, note that you should not set the fee too high as otherwise it's possible at medium cost to create a "caching passthrough contract": essentially, the smart contract equivalent of piracy, and there's no way to prevent that without compromising the flexibility that makes Ethereum Ethereum; a fee of around 1-10 finney should be fair and work well if you do wish to charge.

The way that you would implement the server side code is simple. In pseudocode, you can implement it as a separate daemon that accesses an api:

keys = [("BTC/USD", ""),
        ("CHF/USD", ""),
        ("temperature:Seattle", ""),
          ... ]
for key, url in keys:
        value = json.loads(open(url))["value"]
        ethereum.send_transaction(ethereum.get_nonce(ethereum.my_address), ethereum.get_gasprice(),
                                 200000, MY_DATAFEED_CONTRACT, 0, MY_DATAFEED_ABI.encode('set', [key, value])

(Note: the above is pseudocode; not all of the above methods are available in pyethereum quite yet).

An alternative but related idea is an HTTP getter passthrough contract. Essentially, the contract would have one method, get(string), that would take a URL as an argument, and simply log the URL alongside the address that asked for the get. A server daemon would make a curl request to the URL, and call the passthroughCallback(string) method of the sender address with the output. Note that multiple daemons running in this form could be called in multisig fashion if desired.

Web of trust

Reputation and credit scores are potentially a very powerful economic lubricant in modern society, allowing us to easily tell reliable from unreliable parties, and are even more important in a decentralized world where centralized curation is unavailable and many classes of regulation become more difficult to enforce. The question of "can this user be trusted?" is approximated with a simple and easy-to-understand number.

Currently, such systems are actively being looked into and adopted by private companies particularly in the "sharing economy":

And even governments:

However, centralized credit scores have an important problem in both of these cases: they give the party controlling the scoring metric too much power. If society ends up relying on one particular number as a standard, then the issuer of that standard has the power to use the standard to obtain a substantial degree of "soft power" through the ability to manipulate the scoring system to achieve particular ends.

An alternative solution uses the "web of trust" route: essentially, instead of trying to achieve a single universal score for everyone, provide a way for each person to score anyone else from their own point of view. This is accomplished through the trust transitivity heuristic: if A trusts B, and B trusts C, then to some degree that's cause for A to trust C. In some ways, centralized credit scores are a special case of this: everyone trusts the central agency (in theory), the central agency assigns people trust ratings, and so that's how much everyone is induced to trust everyone else. However, the decentralized approach is more general, and ideally allows us to take into account all "chains of trust" between two people, and not just the ones that flow through a particular centralized gateway.

One example of an algorithm that does this well is the Advogato trust metric, a trust score scheme based on max-flow.

A useful project would be to create an implementation of such a system on Ethereum, and create a dapp by which anyone can register an identity, and register trust scores for other identities. Then, create a decentralized cloud computing service by which anyone can query "provide a proof, consisting of a list of trust paths, showing the Advogato trust score from A to B" and anyone can reply in exchange for a micropayment (or perhaps create a server that does it for free, and convince a charity to subsidize it); if user A wants to know "what is B's trust score", they can make this query, receive the result, verify the proof, and then display it.

This system could then be used by many other dapps on ethereum, including financial contract using price feeds and arbitration.

Financial Derivatives Market

Essentially, a polished, working dapp that allows users to make options on any ethereum asset, and derivatives (eg. CFDs) on any ethereum price feed. This should support "multisig price feeds": choosing multiple data feed contract addresses that support a particular ticker symbol, and taking the median of them, so as to remove reliance on any single party.

Supported actions should ideally include:

  • Entering into CFDs with other parties on any price index, settling in any standards-compatible currency or asset (though perhaps start with ETH)
  • Options between any two assets (though perhaps start with asset<->ETH)
  • Plain old regular asset exchange
  • An order book for all of the above


Work on this. Set it up as a decentralized service which any lottery or other randomness-based game can use; also, build a "full node software" package/plugin which facilitates participating in the RANDAO by providing random numbers.

Interface with national ID

Create a system, relying on trusting no one other than the original issuer, by which users with electronic identities (eg. Estonian digital ID, other electronic passports, crypto KYC schemes, etc) can prove to the ethereum blockchain that they have that particular ID. Note that this can be plugged into the WoT by, eg, creating a contract which trusts everyone who has an Estonian digital ID with score 1.

Zero knowledge proofs

Create multiple compatible implementations of a ZK-SNARK protocol.

Ultrahard KDFs for brainwallets

A decentralized paid cloud computing service for brainwallet computations, combined with a client-side solution, in order to implement my proposal for ultra-secure brainwallets using blind-outsourceable ultrahard KDFs:

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