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Build, Test, Release

Ron B. Yeh edited this page Feb 17, 2022 · 9 revisions


Make sure you have installed Node.js 16.x or greater and npm.

We use the grunt task runner, so install grunt-cli globally.

npm install -g grunt-cli

If you do not install grunt-cli globally, you'll need to use the full path to the local grunt command:


Download the Source and Install Dependencies

git clone
cd vexflow
npm install


Build all libraries (production, debug, and tests):


Clean the build/ and reference/ folders::

grunt clean


Run tests on the command line:

grunt test

To run tests in the browser, open tests/flow.html in a new browser tab. This will load the CJS version of VexFlow, from vexflow/build/cjs/vexflow-debug-with-tests.js. You can also try the following commands:

# Open the default browser to the flow.html test page.
grunt test:browser:cjs

# Open the default browser to `http://localhost:8080/tests/flow.html?esm=true`.
# A web server needs to be serving the `vexflow/` directory (e.g., `npx http-server`).
grunt test:browser:esm

Don't forget the Visual Regression Tests:

# reference images will be generated from the last known good build.
git checkout master

# builds vexflow and copies the build output into the reference/ directory.
grunt reference

git checkout <my-feature-branch>

# builds the feature branch and does a visual diff against the version in the reference/ directory.
npm run test:reference

Watch mode

To watch source files and build automatically when a file changes:

grunt watch

Publish with release-it

We use release-it to streamline the process of publishing to npm and GitHub.

To release a new version, run the following command:

grunt release

Answer each question (or hit ENTER to accept the default). You will need to provide a one time password (2FA) to publish to npm.

🚀 Let's release vexflow (currently at 4.0.0)

? Select increment (next version): patch (4.0.1)
✔ echo add build/ folder
✔ git add -f build/
✔ git commit -m 'Add build/ for the release.'

? Publish vexflow to npm? Yes
? Please enter OTP for npm: __YOUR_ONE_TIME_PASSWORD__
? Commit (release vexflow version 4.0.1)? Yes
? Tag (4.0.1)? Yes
? Push? Yes
? Create a release on GitHub (Release 4.0.1)? Yes
✔ echo Successfully released vexflow 4.0.1 to
✔ echo remove build/ folder
✔ git rm -r build/
✔ git commit -m 'Remove build/ after releasing version 4.0.1.'
🏁 Done

Pre-release: alpha | beta | rc

grunt release accepts a pre-release tag as an argument:

GITHUB_TOKEN=XYZ grunt release
GITHUB_TOKEN=XYZ grunt release:alpha
GITHUB_TOKEN=XYZ grunt release:beta
GITHUB_TOKEN=XYZ grunt release:rc

Add dry-run to walk through the steps without actually publishing anything:

GITHUB_TOKEN=XYZ grunt release:dry-run
GITHUB_TOKEN=XYZ grunt release:dry-run:alpha
GITHUB_TOKEN=XYZ grunt release:dry-run:beta
GITHUB_TOKEN=XYZ grunt release:dry-run:rc

You can run a pre-release multiple times, and it will increment the pre-release number.

4.1.0-alpha.1  =>  4.1.0-alpha.2

Release to GitHub Automatically

By default, grunt release will open a browser to the GitHub release page where you can customize the text before submitting.

To automate this step, you need a personal access token with repo rights.

Generate one here:

Then, to release a new version, run the following command on a single line:


Publish Manually to npm and GitHub

Show the current VexFlow version:

npm version

Increment the version in package.json WITHOUT committing a new git tag (--git-tag-version=false).

Choose one of the following:

# patch revision: X.Y.0 => X.Y.1
npm version patch --git-tag-version=false
# minor revision: X.1.Z => X.2.0
npm version minor --git-tag-version=false
# major revision: 4.Y.Z => 5.0.0
npm version major --git-tag-version=false

# Use a pre-release tag (alpha | beta | rc) and increment the number after the pre-release tag.
# e.g.: 4.0.1-alpha.0 => 4.0.1-alpha.1
npm version prerelease --preid=alpha --git-tag-version=false
npm version prerelease --preid=beta  --git-tag-version=false
npm version prerelease --preid=rc    --git-tag-version=false

# Use a pre-release tag (alpha | beta | rc) and increment the patch | minor | major version number.
# e.g.: 4.0.1-alpha.W => 4.0.2-alpha.0
npm version prepatch   --preid=alpha --git-tag-version=false
npm version prepatch   --preid=beta  --git-tag-version=false
npm version prepatch   --preid=rc    --git-tag-version=false

# e.g.: 4.0.Z-alpha.W => 4.1.0-alpha.0
npm version preminor   --preid=alpha --git-tag-version=false
npm version preminor   --preid=beta  --git-tag-version=false
npm version preminor   --preid=rc    --git-tag-version=false

# e.g.: 4.Y.Z-alpha.W => 5.0.0-alpha.0
npm version premajor   --preid=alpha --git-tag-version=false
npm version premajor   --preid=beta  --git-tag-version=false
npm version premajor   --preid=rc    --git-tag-version=false

Build VexFlow for production. Add the build/ directory to the repository. Commit and tag this release.

git add -f build/
git add package*.json
VEX_VER=$(node -p "require('./package.json').version")
git commit -m "Release version: $VEX_VER"
git tag $VEX_VER

Publish to npm

npm login

# Publish to 'latest' so that 'npm install vexflow' will get this version.
npm publish

# Publish with a pre-release tag. Example: npm install vexflow@beta will download the version published with --tag beta.
npm publish --tag rc
npm publish --tag beta
npm publish --tag alpha

Release to GitHub

Push the git tag of the build we are releasing. For example, if the tag is 4.0.0:

git push origin 4.0.0

Create a GitHub release from the tag we just pushed.

If you have the GitHub CLI installed:

# Create a release from the specified tag.
gh release create 4.0.0 --title "Release 4.0.0"

# Create a release from the version number in the package.json.
VEX_VER=$(node -p "require('./package.json').version")
gh release create $VEX_VER --title "Release $VEX_VER"

If you don't have the GitHub CLI, you can create a release from the web:

Choose Tag

If something went wrong and you need to remove a version tag:

# Remove local tag
git tag --delete 4.0.0

# Remove remote tag
git push --delete origin 4.0.0

Clean Up

After releasing, remove the build/ directory from the repository.

This means that a tagged release will have the build/ files, but a fresh clone of the repository will NOT have any build/ files.

git rm -r build/
VEX_VER=$(node -p "require('./package.json').version")
git commit -m "Remove build/ after releasing version $VEX_VER."
git push

Upgrade Dependencies

Install npm-check-updates, which automates the process of finding and upgrading the versions in package.json.

npm install -g npm-check-updates

Dry run: Invoke the command with no arguments to check for new versions. This does not modify any files.


If the versions look sane, you can either update everything in one shot, or provide a package name to update incrementally. The -u flag updates package.json.

npm-check-updates -u [package name]
npm install

Build, test, debug, fix, iterate. If everything works and there are no visual diffs, commit your changes and submit a PR!

Clone this wiki locally