A set of tools and a GUI to manage a locally hosted music database.
- Quickly import YouTube music playlists and concert YouTube videos with chapters.
- Trim beginning/end and adjust volume of clips in app.
- Export playlist files to run on most audio players.
- Edit track metadata (title, album, etc.)
- Perform queries to quickly create playlists with specific criteria.
- Divide concerts into their seperate tracks.
In order to import tracks into the database, you must add a remote. A remote is a collection of tracks of the same origin.
To add a remote, go to the remotes tab and right click and hit add. Give the remote a link and type to grab from.
- YouTube / web video playlist (yt-dlp)
- YouTube / web video concert (yt-dlp)
- Local folder
Playlists require the url to be a playlist. Concerts require a single video with or without chapters.
Remotes using yt-dlp as a backend can import from any website that yt-dlp supports.
All exports will include encode metadata inside of mp3 files.
- Playlist file (.xspf) with folder (portable)
- Standalone playlist file (requires same PC)
- Folder (portable)
Querying can be used to search for specific tracks in the GUI or to create a playlist.
Click on track filter on the toolbar and edit filter. This allows you to display only the tracks you want to see.
Go to the playlist menu and right click to add a playlist. Then afterwards select the playlist and edit the track selection.
In this example, tracks with the ids 1, 2, 3, and 4 are added. Also, any track with a name that contains the string "waffles" inside will be added.
In this example, tracks with ids 1-5 with rating greater than 5 will be added.
id (implicit) int
remote int
name string
artists string
album string
description string
rating (1-10) int
time (seconds) int
= equals
!= not equals
^ starts with string only
!^ does not start with string only
$ ends with string only
!$ does not end with string only
* contains string only
!* does not contain string only
< less than int only
> greater than int only
<= less than or equal to int only
>= greater than or equal to int only
: is between int only
- between and int only
& and (another term)
Commas act as a seperate section which are ored together.
Quotes inside values are parsed as strings, \" and \\ can be used.
Everything is case insensitive.
Whitespace outside of quotes is ignored.