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Deck List Import Formats

Gavin Bisesi edited this page Jun 21, 2016 · 2 revisions

When using the Load Deck from Clipboard option in Cockatrice, there are certain formats that you must follow to get expected results.

How the parser works:

  • Empty lines are ignored
  • Lines that begin with // are ignored
  • You may denote the start of the sideboard by typing Sideboard
  • You may denote sideboard cards by beginning the line with SB:
  • You may denote the number of cards by either typing N or Nx, where N is any positive whole number

How a line can be formatted: [SB:] N[x] CardName

  • 2 Plains
  • 3x Forest
  • SB: 1 Island
  • SB: 3x Mountain

Example Valid Deck Lists

3 Island
2 Mountain
1 Forest
2 Mountain
3 Island
2 Mountain
SB: 1 Forest
SB: 2 Mountain
3x Island
2x Mountain
1x Forest
2x Mountain
3x Island
2x Mountain
SB: 1x Forest
SB: 2x Mountain
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